S-059 Qalat Dizah, Iraq
S-059 Qalat Dizah, Iraq
1 | Zor baș e, basî tozê basî minalîman bo bike le/ lew mentiqey Qeladizê-w ew dewr û bere? |
Very good, talk to us about your childhood in the Qeladize region and its surroundings. | |
2 | Bełê ême ke mindał bûyn legeł/ legeł braderekan deçûyn bo xoman yarîman dekird û keleyanman dekird û șerre șeq û {decwara} deçûyn bo mektep, biłê qumarman dekird. |
Yes, when we were kids, we would go and play with friends, we would play “kele” and “șere șeq” and then go to school, we were playing games. | |
3 | Meḥele büçkên, awa yek le berî min û braderekem da, ewey ke parekey xistbayanê, ewekey ke parekey eda. |
“Mehele büçkên”, in front of me and my friend, the one who dropped the money in it, the other would give money. | |
4 | Ca ew deçûn polekan, lewê qisey xoș û degerrayn yarîman dekird le mekteb û dehatînewe-w. |
Then they would go into the classroom, they would tell nice stories there and return, we would play at school and come back. | |
5 | Ca șitê dîke-ș hebû, biłêyn le Qeladizê ewekan, małî mam û pûr û cîran û ewane hemûman rojî wa bû deçûyn bo deștê, deçûyn ciyabirjêwman dekird, kingirman dekird, tołekeman dekird, {be herwezî} bo xoman deçûyne ew deștey nanman (…). |
There was also something else in Qeladize, we would go to the countryside to gather plants with my uncle and aunt’s familes and neighbours. We would pick thistles, “toleke”, when we went to that plain, and we would make bread. | |
6 | Kingir çontan ekird, le be çî be çî (…) çon etannasîyewe? |
How would you collect thistles? How would you recognise them? | |
7 | Bełê, demannasî, ewaney le xoman gewretir bûn, biłêyn dak û pûr û ewane, piya/ ewe le me be tementir bûn, deyannasî. |
We would recognise them, those who were older than us, like mother and aunts and such people, the people who were older than us, they would recognise it. | |
8 | Ême șîșekman pê bû, tîj bû, le ʕerzekeman hełmandekołî, dermandêna. |
We would carry a sharp skewer with us, dig the ground with it, and take out the thistle. | |
9 | Ciyabirjêwe bû, tołeke bû, ew șitane hebû deman(…), herewizman dekird, nanman dexwar lewê, tozê heldeperrîn, kateçî xoșman be ser debird awa. |
This was the plant gathering, we would gather “toleke” and such things, we would do “herewiz”, we would eat there, dance a bit, we would have a good time like this. | |
10 | Beyanîyan zû erroyștin îtir ta êwaran neehatinewe? |
You would go in the morning and not return till evening? | |
11 | Beyanîyan/ beyanîyan saʕet șeș deroyștîn heta șeș û ḥewtî êwaran da dehatînewe. |
In the morning, we would leave at six and at six or seven in the evening we would come back. | |
12 | Wekû herewezêk nîye, ha teqrîben bîst, sî nefer derroyștîn û e bełê. |
A big group, about twenty, thirty people would go there, yes. | |
13 | Ê xoș bû le gel ew cîḥêlane erroyștin? |
So it was nice going with those young people? | |
14 | Bełê xoj bû, a, ca xoj bû, erê weła ca (…) zemanî ême eme biçûk bûyn ew kate, bez ege yêkek genc baya bo xoy awa temașa kiçî cuwan-îș dekird û kiçî cuwanîșman legeł bûn û a bełê. |
Yes it was nice, it was really pleasant, they say in our time, I was a kid back then, but if someone was young they would also enjoy looking good and we would have beautiful girls with us, yes. | |
15 | Eme le behara, ey le zistana be çîwe meșẋûl ebûn ca? |
This was in Spring, then what did you do in Winter? | |
16 | Le behar/ le zistana zîyatir le małê bûn bo xoman, çûnke serma bû bo xoman cîranekan dehatin ya mał xizim dehatin bo xoman dadenîștîn. |
In spring/ in winter we would mostly stay at home, since it was cold, the neighbours would come home, relatives would come, we would sit. | |
17 | Mindalekan be tenê bo xoyan yarîyan dekird le șwênek. |
The children would play on their own somewhere. | |
18 | Pîyawekan yarîyekî keyan dekird, jinekan bo xoyan dadenișt qiseyan dekird, katman awa be ser debird. |
The men would play something else on their own, the women would sit and talk, we would spend time like this. | |
19 | Inca legeł ewej da, guleberroje, fișteq û ça-w ew șitaneșman dexwardewe legełî. Șewman be ser debird ta we/ ta nîweșew. |
Along with this, we would have sunflower seeds, nuts and tea and such things. We would spend the evening like this till midnight. | |
20 | Le behara be zereʕetewe meșẋûl nedebûn? |
In Spring were you also involved in agriculture? | |
21 | Ba, le behar-îș bełê le behar-îș be zireʕetewe edî xełik hemû ștêkî dekird lewê, benawbang e ew mentîqe. |
Yes, in Spring too, in Spring with agriculture, so people would plant things there, it is a famous region. | |
22 | Wa bizanim tûtin zor etankird? |
As far as I know you grew a lot of tobacco? | |
23 | Ew kate tûtin zor, a tûtinman dekird, genim dekra, ca ewe ke tûtin dekira biłêyn tûtineke pê degeyîșt ca xełik herewezî dekird, biłêyn ême tûtinman kirdûwe, tsend malekî keman deʕwet dekird, hem le/le/le małî me nanyan dexward û hem herewiz û tûtinîșman pêwe dekird. |
Back then a lot of tobacco, we would grow a lot of tobacco, wheat would grow, so when tobacco was cultivated, when the tobacco ripened, the people would work together, let’s say we planted tobacco, we would invite a few other families, they would eat at our place and we would work together picking tobacco. | |
24 | Tûtineke çîtan lê ekird yaʕnî? |
What would you do with the tobacco? | |
25 | Tûtineke awa be șîșekemanewe dekird, be șîșekewe duwayî be petekewe wûșkman dekird {ewman} le ber hetaw hełmandexist û/ |
So we would put the tobacco on the skewer, the skewer, then with a bottle we would dry it, we would put it in the sun and/ | |
26 | Bo çend rojî ya mang hełtandexist? |
For how many days or months did you put it in the sun? | |
27 | Teqrîben bo du, sê ḥe/, du ta sê ḥefte ta tewaw wûșik debû tûtineke. |
Approximately two or three, two to three weeks until it dried completely. | |
28 | Duwayî ewe çîyan lê ekird? |
After that what would they do with it? | |
29 | Duwayî ewe, biłêyn kesanî le xoman gewretir bûn, bab û bapîr wane tûtinekeyan dexiste naw ferdeyekewe, ferdeyekî gewrewe, deyanfiroșt, deyanda be ḥukmet deyanfiroșt. |
After that, those who were older than us, fathers and grandfathers and such put the tobacco into a sack, a large sack, and sell it, they would take it and the government would sell it. | |
30 | Înca legeł tûtin pêwekirdineke-ș xoș be herewiz dadinîștin le çar dewrî tûtineke, trozîman dexward û șûtîman dexward û kalyarman dexward û ça-w êdî qisey xoș û êdî be suʕbetewe derroyî, îșekeman dekird û șitî xoșman dekird awa. |
So during tobacco harvesting we would also sit together around the tobacco, we would eat prickly cucumber and watermelon and “kalyar” and tea, then we would chat and tell nice stories, we would work and do other nice things. | |
31 | E zor baș e, basî șayekî jin û jinxwazî boman bikî eger bînîbêti le (…) mabê. |
Very good, tell us about weddings, if you have experienced them (…) | |
32 | E jin û jinxwazî, bo hîn eger kurr û kitsek yêktiryan be dił bêt, bo hê yêktir/ pêștir yêktir bibînin, moʕîdêk danên yêktir bibînin yan șitêk, ke ew kate yêktiryan be dił bûn kurreke, be kitseke dełê/ dełê/ dełê min ewrro dak û xûșkekem, pûrekem denêrim bo małî we bowey ew mowzûʕe legeł dakit, legeł daykî kitseke bikenewe. |
Asking for a girl from her family, if a boy and a girl like each other, they see each other beforehand. They arrange a time to see each other, then if they like each other, the boy tells the girl, on that day I will send my mother and sister, my aunt to your house so that they can speak about this with your mother, with the girl’s mother. | |
33 | Îdî ewan detsin dak û babî kitseke detsin dakî/ daçî legeł xûșkekey biłêyn pûrekey tsen le/, bes jin sereta, duwayî mewzûʕeke legeł daçî kitseke dekenewe-w ewan-îș pêyan xoș e, dełê baș e pêman xoș e-w. |
Then they go, the girl’s mother and father go, his mother with his sister and aunt, firstly just the women, then they discuss the matter with the girl’s mother, and if they like the idea too, they agree. | |
34 | Duway ewe pîyawekan, pîyawekan detsine pêșê dawa le, biłêyn babî kitseke deken dełên ême demanewê xi/ bibîne xizim. Ew kitse dawa bikeyn bo kurrekeman û xizmayetîyekeman, bibîne xizim, be kurdîyekey awa biłêyn. |
Afterwards the men come forward and ask the girl’s father and say, we want to become relatives. We want to ask for this girl for our son and become relatives, we say this in Kurdish. | |
35 | Îdî awa deçine daway dełên zor baș e-w herdûçyan razî debin û be, le ser zêrr û le ser ewende misqale zêrr û ca marey deken. |
That’s how they ask for her, they say it’s very good and both agree and they bind their marriage with gold, with fields. | |
36 | Duwa-ș ke mareyan kird duwa maweyek kitseke deguwastinewe-w ḥefley bo deken. Teqrîben ʕadî xełik deʕwet deken, dzîran deʕwet deken, xizim deʕwet deken awa sed neferek deʕwet deken. |
A while after binding the marriage they take the girl and organise a wedding for her. They invite normal people, neighbours, relatives and like this they invite a hundred people. | |
37 | Çêștî çî lê ênên? |
What do they cook? | |
38 | Çêșt le layî me her ewe ye, her birinc û goșt e. Birinc û goștî ḥeywan, goștî mirîșik aweșiley fasûlye em xwardine dexoyn ewê. |
Our meals are just rice and meat. Rice and meat, chicken, bean soup, we eat those kinds of meals there. | |
39 | Çêștî taybet be ew mentîqey lê nanên? |
Don’t they cook meals special to that region? | |
40 | Kemtir, ziyatir birînc e, ziyatir birînc e. |
Rarely, it is mostly rice, mostly rice. | |
41 | Îtir diyar e, hełeperin û? |
Then I guess they dance? | |
42 | Hełdeperin, a hełdeperrin kiçûke hełdeperrin û zawe-w bûk û bra-w xizim hemûyî hełdeperrin û teqrîben sed neferek deʕwet kirawa, dua hełdeperrin, nan dexon û dest pê deken û awa ta êware. Le saʕet biłêyn, le/ let/ le dewe, yazdewe dest pê deken ta pyênc û șeșî êware-w. |
They dance, yes, the bride and the groom and the brothers and relatives, all of them dance and about a hundred guests dance, eat and go on like this until the evening. They start at let’s say ten or eleven and go on till five or six in evening. | |
43 | Ey ḥefleke le mał eken ya le deșt û der? |
Do they have the party at the house or outside? | |
44 | Ḥefleke/ ḥefleke zîyatir le deșt dekrên. Yanî xełkeke deben be pasewe bo (…). |
The wedding is mostly outside. They take the people out by bus. | |
45 | Wa bizanim be seyare errone derewey șar? |
I guess they go by car to outside the town? | |
46 | Belê, biłêyn małî zawa çwar pêndz pas degirin, xełkeke hemû le paseke deken detsin teqrîben le derî șar, le/ le deștêk, le șwênêçî xoș, lewê șayî deken o nan dexon o hełdeperrin o, a. |
Yes, the family of the groom rent four or five buses, they get all the people on to the buses, they go away from the town, to the countryside, to a nice place, they have a party there and eat food and dance and things. | |
47 | Ey baș e, bûkeke, kurreke bûkeke ebatewe małî xoy, małî bawkî ya małî cîyay bo daenên? |
So does the boy take the girl to his house, to his father’s house or do they arrange a separate house for her? | |
48 | Ne dîybatewe małî babî, małî cîyay bo dananên, dêybate małî legeł dayk û bawçî, yenî le hemûyan le yêk mał da dejîn. |
No, he takes her to his father’s house, they don’t arrange a separate house for her, he takes her to his parents’ house, they all live in one house. | |
49 | Hemûyan dîyar e le małêkî gewre-ya ejîn? |
They all live in one big house? | |
50 | Hemûyan a, eme xanûwekanman hemûy gewre ye, hemûy sê-çwar jûr e. Yanî sereta dêybatewe małî xoy. Yanî małî xoy bo nakat. |
All of them, we have big houses, they all have three or four rooms. So at first he takes her to his house. He does not arrange her own house. | |
51 | Ê zor çak e. |
Very good. |
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