K-055 Rimêlan, Syria

 1 (…) Navê mi *****e, ʕemrê mi bîst û pênc sal e. Ez li/ li gundekî Sûrî Xwedê dam, navê Qereçox e. ebîʕa wî gundî gelek xweş e.
My name is *****, I am 25 years old. I was born in a village in Syria called Qereçox. The village environment is very nice.
 2 Bes e-l gund-de mezin nebûm, em/ li mentîqekî navê Rimêlan ez mezin bûm.
But I didn’t grow up in the village, I grew up in an area called Rimelan.
 3 Bavê te li wir dişiẋulî?
Did your father work there?
 4 Erê, bavê mi li wir dişiẋulî, mentîqekî neftî ye. E çûm medresa El-Cela ya îptîda’î, dûv re em çûn ya Umra ul-Qeys.
Yes, my father used to work there, it’s an area rich with oil. I went to El-Cela primary school, then we went to Umra-ul Qeys.
 5 Me gelek heval hebîn em bi hev re sibeha diçûn nîvro dihatin.  
We had many friends, we used to go to school together in the mornings and come back together in afternoons.
 6 ʕadetê me innû, em bi hev re, keçik bi hev re sibeha diçûn dihatin. Ee, …
It was the custom that we girls would go together in the mornings.
 7 (…)
 8 Xaniyê me bînayat bîn, ne xaniyê ʕadî bîn. {Meenû} Rumelan {leenû} mentîqekî ḥikûmî ye, neftî ye. Xaniyê me yê reqima, tabiqê sêyê.
Our houses were buildings, they were not normal houses, because Rimelan is a governmental area, it is a petrol area. Our house was number/ on the third floor.
 9 Eem/ ser daʕweta inû ʕadet û teqalîdê me inû em ḥina çêdikin.
About our weddings, our customs and traditions, (such as) that we make henna.
 10 Em keçik diketin, li mala bûkê digene hev. Em ḥinayê jê-r çê dikin, ḥeflekî.
We girls, we meet at the bride’s house. We make henna for her, (and have) a party.
 11 Daʕwetê me muxtelet in, nêv hev de ne. Bes meselen keçik ḥalê xwe ne û xort ḥalê xwe ne.
Our weddings are gender-mixed, everyone is together. But girls are on their own and boys are on their own.
 12 Bes ema di reqsê de bi hev re ne. Menatiqê me xweş in.
But during the dancing we come together. Our areas are nice.
 13 Tewaqiʕ çi mentîqe tu ji me-r kari bîni ziman,  li dora we hene xweş?.
You think you can describe an area for us, are there any nice ones around you?
 14 Menatiqê me hemû xweş in, ema beḥsa meselen gund bêhtir tebiʕetê de xweştir e. Bêhtir şînayî tê de heye, menazir tê de hene.
All our areas are nice, for example if we talk about villages they are more beautiful in nature. They have more greenery and landscapes.
 15 ʕalem li wir bêhtir hev dibînin, bimaʕnû gund in nêzîkî hev in.    
People meet each other more often there as the villages are close to each other.
 16 Û ʕîda Newrozê jî li cem me heye her sal. Em cilê kurdî li xwe dikin, ʕadet û teqalîdê me ne, yaʕnî lazim e em bi cilê kurdî bin. Navê wa “kiras û xeftan” e.  
And we have the Newroz festival every year. We wear Kurdish costume, that’s our tradition, as in it is necessary to be in the Kurdish dress. They are called “kiras u xeftan”.
 17 Em bîkûn berya wê bi şevekê xwe cahez dikin. Em ji Sûrî, tebʕen em derdiketin riḥlê. Me meşawî çêdikirin û ḥeflat û reqs.
We would prepare ourselves the night before. We in Syria, of course we used to go on a picnic, we used to make kebabs, have a party and dance.
 18 Û tebʕen em çûn menatiqekî xweş, yaʕnî şînayî tê de hebê, yaʕnî gîya ew av tiştê welê.
And of course we would go to a nice area, which has some greenery, like grass and such things.
 19 Û mentîqek li cem me heye navê wê ʕendîwer e, ew jî mentiqekî siyaḥî ye. Ee gelekî xweş e, e/ beḥir lê heye, av, mentiqekî gelek xweş e. Nezikî Tirka ye.  
And we have an area close to us called Andiwar, it is a tourists’ destination, there is a spring there, spring water, it is a very nice area. It is close to Turkey.
 20 Hunermendê me-y kurda li Rojava gellek in, hene, tu kê nas diki, kêfa te ji çi musîqa-r tê?
We have many musicians in Western Kurdistan, which of them do you know, what kind of music do you like?
 21 Ez/ reḥma Xwedê lê bê, mi ḥiz ji Cemal Saʕdûn dikir. Ew jî wefad bî, beriya sala. salek, du sala. Azad Feqa jî heye, Ronî Ci/ Ronî Cizrawî ye, gelek daweta xweş dikin, stranê wa gelek xweş in.
I loved Cemal Sadun, God’s mercy be upon him, he also died a year or two years ago. There is also Azad Feqe, Roni Cizrawi, they make the weddings better, their songs are very good.
 22 Bes fenenek ya me nû jî heye, navê wê Zoya ye, ji Qamişlo, ew jî niha stranê-ê xweş in. Yaʕnî yê/ yê qewmî hene, yê ʕadî hene, yê romensî hene, stranê-ê gelek xweş in.
But we also have a new artist called Zoya, from Qamishlo, her songs are also good. So they are patriotic ones, dance songs and romantic songs, her songs are very nice.
 23 Li mentîqa me gellek xwarinên wilo binavûdeng hene, ka tu ji me-r qala wa bike?
In our area there are many famous dishes, can talk to us about them?
 24 Xwarinê me, meyîr heye, kutilk hene, şamborek hene, gelek xwarin hene, gelek esnaf hene.
Our foods, there is “meyir”, there are “kutilk”, there are “shamborek”, there are many foods, there are many types.
 25 Ka ji me-r wilo qala yekê bik, bê hûn çilo çêdikin, pela?
Tell us about one of the, about how you prepare them, rice-filled vine leaves?
 26 Pel, pel jî hene tebʕen, meḥşî. Xelta wê inû beḥsa xelta wa tiştê wa bikim. Birinc û tewabil û cara hinek goşt mo dixê nêv de.
Leaves, there are of course leaves as well, and “Mihshi” (rice-filled eggplant). Its recipe, I will tell you about the recipe for such foods. Rice and seasoning, and sometimes we put some meat in it.
 27 Û mo pelê mêwa tînê, û miḥaşî û kusa-w tiştê welê mo dadigrê, gelek xweş in.  
Then we get vine leaves and eggplant and squash and such things and fill them, they are delicious.
 28 Gelek ser agir dimîne, dikelînin?
Does it remain on the fire for long, do they boil it?
 29 E/ bi ḥeseb, bîst deqa, ribek saʕet ḥeseb yaʕnî, her car şiklek der/ jê-r divê. ʕel-eẋleb bîst deqe yaʕnî jê-r divê.
Umm, it depends, 20 minutes, quarter of an hour, it depends, each time it requires a different time, most likely it needs 20 minutes.
 30 Û kutilk çawa ye?
And how is “kutilk” made?
 31 Kutilk genim jê-r divê, mo dinimînê û xelta wê mo pîvaz û goştê hûr û beẋdûnis, hinek tewabil. Em grovera ser destê xwe çêdikin, diheşînin. Eger tu-b xwazî tu-b kelînê, tu-b xwazî tu-bqelînê.
For “kutilks” we soak the wheat, and for the filling we (mix) onion, minced meat, parsley and some seasoning. We hand-make little balls then fill them. If you like you can boil it, or if you like you can fry it.
 32 De ka ji me-r qala hatina xwe-y vir bike, te çawa Birîtanya dît?
Then tell us about your coming to here, how did you see Britain?
 33 E/ her ẋerîbî ye, bes xweş e, yeʕnî. Mi zilamê xwe li Sûrî dît, me hev dît, me hev ʕeciband. Em gihan hev, em zewicîn, em hatin vê derê.
It will still be expatriation, but it’s nice, I mean, I met my husband in Syria, we met, we liked each other. We ended up together, we got married, we came to this place.
 34 Ḥeyata vir ʕadî ye, yaʕnî rûtînî ye, ti teẋyîr tê de nîne.
Life here is normal, it is routine, there is no change in it.
 35 Çend zarokê te hene û tu çawa jiyana xwe dijî ?  
How many children do you have and how do you live your life?
 36 Ez diya sê zaroka me, jiyana min ez bi xwendina kolêj yaʕnî medrese û li mal e-w terbiyata zaroka ye-w wacibê mala xwe dirabim.
I am the mother of three children, I spend my life learning at college, as in school, and at home it’s raising the children and the duties of home.
 37 Li Sûrî, anaka wediʕ ne gellekî ne çîk e/ ehlê te li wan dera li kîjan mentîqê ne û rewşa wa çawa ye?
In Syria now the situation is not, you know, in which area are your relatives back there and how is their situation?
 38 E, ehlê min mentîqa Dêrikê ne û xwiha mi Rimêlan e. Wedʕê wa miteqelib e, carna baş e-w carna irs e. Yeʕnî, bes ke wedʕê emnî ḥaliyen baş e, yeʕnî.
My relatives are in the Derik area, and my sister is in Rimelan. The situation there is changeable, sometimes it is good, sometimes there is fear. So the security situation is currently good.
 39 Kurd li wê derê baş e, yeʕnî ḥîmayet û tiştê welê heye yeʕnî. Ke xeter û Daʕş û tiştê welê dûrî wan e, el-ḥemdila.
The Kurds in that place are ok, as in there is protection and such things. The danger and ISIS and such things are far from them, thank God.
 40 Baş e, hûn çend bira û çend xwih in û her yekê ji we çend zarokê we hene?
That’s good, how many brothers and how many sisters do you have and how many children does each one of you have.
 41 Em ʕayîlekî mezin in, em neh zarok in, pênc kuruk û çar keçik. Birayê min li Swêsra ye, li Elmanya, li/ li Rûsya ye yê doktora dixwîne û e-jî li vir im. Û birayê mi li Dubey e-w xwuha mi-jî li Dubey e û yê mayî li mal in.  
We are a big family, we are 9 children, 5 boys and 4 girls. My brother is in Switzerland, one is in Germany, one is in Russia pursuing a PhD and I am here. My brother is in Dubai and my sister is in Dubai and the others are at home.
 42 Ji zû ve çûyî Sûrî (…) ?
Has it been long since you last went to Syria?
 43 Ez di hezar û/ di hezar û dehê ez çûm.
I went in 2000/ 2010.
 44 Tu çawa, çilo çû ? Zahmet bû, te çawa dît (…)?
How did you go? Was it difficult and how did you find it?
 45 Na hingê, hingê hê ḥidûd hebûn, ḥidûdê Tirka. Hingê, hê hê bîdayeta meşakila, yaʕnî welê zêde meşakil nebîn. Ez hingê resmî çûm û hatim, ti meşakil nebûn.
No, back then there were still official borders, Turkish borders. Back then it was still just the beginning of the troubles, so there were not many problems. I went in and left there lawfully back then, no problems occured.
 46 Bes ḥaliyen em zanin, pê diḥisin inû meşakil hene, ḥidûd nînin, em nikarin herin werin.
But now we know and we hear that there are problems and there are no borders we can’t go in and out.
 47 Zaḥmete ji me re mo bêriya ehlê xwe dikê, bes nîne, ʕenî mecal nîne mo karê herê werê.
It is difficult for us because we miss our relatives, but there isn’t, I mean there isn’t an opportunity to go in and come back.
 48 Tu gellek bajara geryayi, te ku dîtî li van dera, te çi nedîtiye ?
Have you been around many cities? Where have you seen in these places and what haven’t you seen?
 49 Ke, ke Ewrûpa, min tebʕen e-l Mançistir im, ez çûm Elmanya, Belcîka, Swêsra. Ez/ ez piştî wê ez çûm Dubey, mi Tirka jî dît. Min Kurdistan dît.
In Europe, I have obviously seen Manchester, I went to Germany, Belgium, Switzerland. After that I went to Dubai, I’ve seen Turkey. I’ve seen Iraqi Kurdistan.
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