S-056 Altun Kupri

 1 Zor çak e, basekî jin û jinhênanman bo bo nakey? Lew mentiqey êwe çon e, çon nîye?
  Good, can you tell us about wedding ceremonies? How are they in your region?
 2 Wełłahî, jinhênan layî ême, îtir wek kabra wutî, îtir ke derroyte daway, daway kitsêk, ke małe razî bûn û îtir ke rojêk danêy bo guwastinewey ewane. Îtir êsta wekû pêșan nîye dewuł û zûrna ew șitane, êste bayî DJ û nazanim ew șitane ye.
  Well, our wedding tradition is that when you go to ask for her hand, a girl’s hand, when the family agrees to it, then you arrange a date for the wedding and so on. So, nowadays it’s not the way it used to be, playing drums and flutes and things like that, now they have DJs and I don’t know, that kind of thing.
 3 Bo caran çon bû, çî ekira?
  So, how was the wedding in the past, what went on?
 4 Wałahî dzaran îtir, wext xoy bapîrim be dewuł û zûrna bû, teqrîben ḥewt roj û ḥewt șew îtir em șayîye newestawe-w șew û roj șayîyan kirdûwe-w/
  Well, back then, old man, it was celebrated with drums and flutes, for nearly seven days and seven nights the wedding carried on, day and night they danced.
 5 Reșbełek her hełeperrîn (…)?
  Men and women danced together?
 6 Bełê, bełê ḥewt roj û ḥewt șew îtir șayîyan kirdûwe be bê westan û ew șitana. Wek îste nebûwe îtir rojêk xelaz bî ewane.
  Yes, yes, seven days and seven nights they danced without a break and so on. It was not like now, it lasts only for one day.
 7 Erê çêșt çîyan lêenawe kaka?
  What about food, what did they prepare?
 8 Wałłahi êtir qedîm çêștî wek îste nebûwe biłey, be xwa mi baj nazanim biłêy bîrim naya. Bes îste ax birinc û fasûlye ew șitane lêenin û bamye ye-w eme qeysî êtir ew șitane, lew babetane. Goștî mirîșk û ḥey/ ḥeywan û ew șitane.  
  Well, back then there wasn’t the kind of food we have now, I don’t really know, I don’t remember. Now they cook rice, beans and things like that. Chicken, meat and so on.
 9 Yanî le dereweye ḥeflekan {ekran}, caran le deșt û der hełperrîn û emane?  
  So the wedding was held outdoors, they used to dance in the open?
 10 Be xwa îtir her le deșt û der bû erê weła.
  Sure, it was out in the open air.
 11 Ey êste çone?
  So what is it like nowadays?
 12 Êste-ș/ êste-ș wełahî la/ îsta, zor be kemî le derewe eken, êtir xełik le qaʕe w ḥedîqe-w ew șitana ḥefle-w șitî wa eken. Ke jin eguwaznewe.
  Now/ Nowadays they rarely have the wedding outdoors. People have the wedding in a hall and in a garden and in places like that.
 13 Ey wesfekî mentiqekeman bo bike ke to Pirdê çon e, șax û daxî, aw hewayî ceweke?  
  So describe your area – Pirde, what are the mountains and the landscape like?
 14 Willayî Pirdê îtir, Pirdê șa/ naḥiyeçî gitske ye. Êtir awî/ awî Dûkana dêtewe pêye detsitewe Dîcle û Firad û ew nawe. Dzêyêçî, îtir le layan geș/ geșt û guzarî-ya xełik dê bo geșt û guzar û ew șitana, dzêyêçî wek sîyaḥî ye.
  Well, Pirde, Pirde is a small town. The Dukan river passes through it and flows down to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The area is a tourist site and so, it is a tourist place, and people come for tourism.
 15 Bez îtir le layenî îș û șitane, be Xwa îș û șitî ewende lê nîye-w/
  But in terms of employment and jobs and so on, really there are not enough job opportunities.
 16 Xełkeke be zorrî çî eka?
  What do people do for a living?
 17 Xełik/ min bo xom êtir be xwa felaḥetîman kirdûwe ew șitana. Xełkeke îtir qedîm, be zorrî felaḥetî ekird, bez îtir ke êsta eșya lew wułatane dê, îșî fełaḥetî ewende nemawe-w kar û kasibî kem bûwe-w (…) /  
  People/ I used to farm and such things. Before, people used to work mainly in farming, but now things are imported from other countries, not much farming is left, and there are fewer jobs.
 18 Fełaḥetî çîtan ekird, (…)?
  In farming, what did you grow?
 19 Fełaḥetî, îtir temate bû, îtir bamye bû, îtir zûrrat bû, kundzî bû, bîber û îtir lew babetane. Kałek û șamî-w, bełê, e lew șitane.  
  Farming, like tomatoes, okra, corn, cucumbers, peppers, and so on, vegetables and fruit.
 20 Be herewezî îșyan ekird xełkeke, legeł yek-a yarmetî yekyan eda?
  Did people work as a community, supporting one another?
 21 Bełê, bełê yarmetî yekyan eda, hawkarî yekyan ekird bełê. Em detsû yarmetî ewaney eda, ewan dehatin hewkarî ewaneyan ekird, bełê.
  Yes, yes, they were helping each other, cooperating with one another. We used to help them, and they used to help us.
 22 Yanî xełkeke beșî xoy ber û bûmî kiștûkałî-w xwardinî (…) ekird?
  So people were producing enough farming and food products?
 23 Pêșyan pêșyan fełaḥetî her zor zor bû, wek îsta nebû, yaʕnî deb/ be bêy zîyad deyanfiroștewe bew wułataneytir, îtir derroyî, êsta her nemawe, beșî wułatekey xot naka, çî le derewe eșyaman bo dê.
  In the past, farming was very very busy, it was not like now, there were more than enough food products that were sold to other countries, but now there is not any left, it is not even enough for your own country. Everything comes to us from abroad.
 24 Bo nemawe, yaʕnî aw kam boetewe ewane?
  Why is it gone, why has it ended?
 25 Wiłayî girîngî be fełaḥetî nadrê îtir, ḥukmeteke rêgirî le/ hawkarî fełaḥ naka, șit le derewe dê.
  Well, farming is not being taken seriously anymore, the government does not support farmers, and things come from outside.
 26 Ege hawkarî felaḥ bika baș e yaʕnî, bes hawkarî nakirê êtir, felaḥ-îș çî bika. Hawkarî nekirê taqetî ew șitey nîye ew felaḥetî bike-w ewane.
  It would be good if it helped the farmers, but it doesn’t help, so what can the farmers do? If they don’t get help, farming can’t continue
 27 Ey êse xełkeke bi çî we (…)?
  So what do people do now?
 28 Be Xwa xełik îtir pêșmerge ye șurte ye asayîș e-w îtir be zorî ew șitane ye, felaḥetî zor kemaw bûwe. Felaḥetî zor zor kem e, erê wiła, er kabra tson ha ege na naykan (…).  
  Well, people are now soldiers, police officers, security guards and these kinds of things, farming has declined. Farming is extremely rare, really.
 29 Ey to îșit çî bû, çît ekird?
  And what about you, what did you do for a living?
 30 Be Xwa min, îtir îșim zor kirdûwe. Îtir, ʕemelem kird û îtir pêșmergayetî be xwa teksî-w ew șitane.
  Well, I used to do many different jobs. I was self-employed, a soldier, a driver and so on.
 31 ʕemele, yaʕnî îșî hurr û naw bazar?
  ‘Emele’ means self employed and in the market?
 32 Ît/ ʕemlayetî, ʕemû/ ʕemelayetî hemû îșêk egrêtewe, îtir.
  It means a variety of jobs.           
 33 Xoș bû îșeke, ḥezit lê bû?         
  Was the work good, did you like it?
 34 Wiłayî îtir îș e, îș ta îșeke, îș/ hemû îșek be xwa naxoș e, îtir medzbûriye debê îtir kabra îș bika-w.
  Well, it depends, every job is bad, but it’s necessary, you have to work.
 35 Axir îșî çi bû ke kirdit?
  What was your last job?
 36 Be Xwa, axîr îș îtir her teksî bû yaʕnî. Îtir wazim le teksîyetî êna-w îj nema-w wiłat șerrî tîya ye-w ew șitane.
  Well, the last job was as a taxi driver. Then I left taxi driving, the job ended, the country is at war and all that.
 37 Ey îșî teksî xoș e, nefer sereke qise deka.
  So the taxi driving was good, usually passengers chat with the driver.
 38 Wełayî îș hebê, îș hebê xoș e, bes îș nebê be Xwe naxoș e, mirdinî ye. Erê wiła. Duwa, min rêm dûr bû, min rêm dûr bû, meselen dehatime Hewlêr û meselen îșim ekird, teqrîben tsilûpênc deqe le min dûr e, îtir min ke dehatim.
  Well, when there is work, it’s good, when there is no work, it’s bad and frustrating. I had a long way to get to the job, for instance I were commuting to Arbil to work, it is nearly 45 minutes away from me, so I was commuting.
 39 Șew hemû roj were-w biro, ew rêye bo min naxoș bû, îtir kes nêezanî tsît be ser dê. Îtir Xwa reḥmî pê dekird yanî.  
  All night back and forth, the journey was bad for me, no one knows what could happen to you. So God protects.
 40 Zor çak e, tozê basî serdemî minałîman bo bike çît kirdûwe, yarî be çî-we meșẋûl bûy? {Çî le bîr mabê?}
  Very well, talk to us a bit about your childhood, what did you do mostly, what were your interests? Anything you can remember?
 41 Wełahî îtir yarî midałanî ême qedîm, wek îste nebû bilêy em șite pêșkewtû em șitana hebî bo mindał.
  Well, in the past our childhood games were not like today, not like those modern things for children.
 42 Ême katî xoy be xway hîtsî waman nebû. Be tayrî seyare-w șitane yarîman ekird û îtir hendê ew și/ babetane, yaʕ șitî wa zor nebû, wazî pê (…).
  We didn’t have anything back then. We played with car tyres and things like that. There was nothing to play with.
 43 Henê yarîy keltûrî heye le bîrit mabê? (…)
  Are there any traditional games that you can remember?
 44 Belê, eme gullanê ye, gullanê-w êtir.
  Yes, we played Gulane, Gulane and that.
 45 Gullanê çi ye, çîtan ekird?
  What is Gulane, how did you play it?
 46 Gullan îtir eme, gullan newʕî zor e, meselen tsalek ekey, îtir newʕekanî zor e, êste {bikrim bas e}.
  Gulan, there are many forms of Gulan, for example you dig a hole, there are many forms, I do it now.
 47 Be dar û helûk ewanê (…)
  We play it with stick and a wooden ball.
 48 Helûkanê heye, bełê helûkanê heye, be dû nefer helûkanê êtir ewe helûkanê pê ełên. Îtir gullan îtir..
  There is a game called Helûkanê, it is played by two people, they call it Helûkanê, then there is Gulan.
 49 Gullan çi ye, tozê wesfî bike?
  What is Gulan? Describe it a bit.
 50 Gullan, etuwanî meselen be tsalê bikey, meselen le ke/ gulleyekey lê edey lew tsale, ege gullekey xot le naw tsaleke mayewe, gulleyekit derkird eme birditewe, pêy elên tenne.
  Gulan, you can, for instance, you can dig a hole, and when you hit the ball into the hole, if the ball gets into the hole and the ball stays in, you win it, they call it Tenne.
 51 Ê meselen yarîy tirî heye, daîreyî ye, her xetek ekey, meselen lê edey, ege gulle der ekey yan ege gullekan lay mawin dernetsûn le xeteke, gulleyek derkird çend gulleyek îtir ewe eybeytewe.  
  For example, there is another game, you make a circle, you hit a ball, if you can hit a ball into the circle and it stays there you win.
 52 Çend kes ew yarîya eken pêkewe?
  How many people play that game together?
 53 Wełay eme qedîm eman kird, yaʕnî îste na. Meselen ʕeynen tsaleke, meselen çwar pênc gullet be yek ca firrê deda le nayewe, çend gulley tê tsûwaya ewe hewey bo xot helitegirt. Bełê îtir ew yarîyanen îtir yaʕnî zor bûn.
  Well, we used to play, I mean, not now. For instance, you put a few balls all together at once into a hole, as many as you can get into the hole, you get a score. So, these games were common.
 54 Îtir wek helûkanê, helûkanê-j îtir eme tsalekit ekird le bam berdê, dareke tê egirt, eme îtir botî lê dayewe ʕeynen.  
  {So it was a ball game, we made a hole and we played with the balls}.
 55 Ey yarîy tir, çîtan ekird, le bîrit mabê?
  So what other games did you play, as far as you remember?
 56 Xwa yarî îtir eme, tsî pê elên? Berd/ berde nazanim berde/
  Well, games like, what is called? Stone, I don’t know, stone…
 57 çîtan pê (…)?
  What did you (…)?
 58 Be qûrʕan le bîrim nemawe, arê be xwa.  
  To be honest, I don’t remember it, really.
 59 Ême be minałî șitêkman ekird, pêman ewut berd berdên!
  When we were children we played a game called ‘stone by stone’
 60 Berd berdîn, wiłahî nazanim em berde xoman durustman ekird be/ be hînî emey, nazanim çî pê ełên be qurʕan, bes nawîm le bîr çû.
  ‘Stone by stone’, I really don’t know, we made the stone ready for the game by ourselves, I really don’t know what it’s called, I’ve forgotten its name.
 61 Bês ême mezrehênman ekird le katî xoy.
  But we used to play Mezrahen back then.
 62 Ey yarî eweșman ekird, meselen Dînarî asin damanena ʕeynen be eme gulley berdî pê elên, lêman eda êtir ke lêt daya êtir bikewtaya meselen ewe małî tûy bû.
  We played another game as well, for instance, we put a Dinar, we used to call it ‘stone ball’, we started to hit it, and if you could strike it and it would fall, then it would be your property.
 63 He, he wa ye, êste çî eken minałan?
  Aha, so what do children play nowadays?
 64 Be Xwa, îste mindalan, îse dinya pêș kewtûwe-w wek xoman nîye, îtir be ame ênternêt e-w nazanim etarî ye-w qedîm ew șitana nebû. Îtir eme kompîter e-w nazanim zor (…) șitî ew babetane.
  Well, nowadays children, now the world has changed, it is not like our time, there is the internet and I don’t know, there are video games, in the past these did not exist. Then there are computers, and I don’t know, many things like that.
 65 Zor çak e
  Ok, very good
 66 Bełê.
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