K-063 Özalp, Turkey
K-063 Özalp, Turkey
1 | Divê çawa hûn nizanin, ev jî go go girav çawa hûn nizanin! Go, girav, girav, giravê da serokekî me dimîne. |
He said, “How can you not you know it”, he said, “the island, island, in the island we have a leader staying there.” | |
2 | Go xwedê min/ şifêr jî go welleh ez nizanim tu beḥsa kîjan serokî dikî, beḥsa kîjan giravê dikî! |
The driver said, “I swear to God I do not know what leader you are talking about, which island you are talking about!” | |
3 | Vêca, kîjan gorî menfaʕeta wan, yanî bi tirkî dibên ya, yan jî bi ingilîzî dibên “the rate of realisation of the language with the daily life”, yanî “dilin gerçek hayatla gerçekleşme oranı”. |
So, whichever suits their interest, as they say it in Turkish, or as they say it in English, “the rate of realisation of the language with the daily life”, that is “the more that language is used in daily life” | |
4 | Yanî ew çiqas zêde be, ew jî li gor wan hêsantir e. Yanî, ew anekdotek serê mi derbas bû. |
That is, the more it gets used, the easier it becomes for them. This was an anecdote that came to my mind. | |
5 | Lê li gundê me da, gundê me da, yanî ez bi xwe zêdetir, min gundî aliyê diya xwe ziyaret kiribûn. |
But in our village, in our village, I visited the villages of my mother’s side more. | |
6 | E-l her havîn diçûm li wan dera. Li wê gundê da havîna paletî tê kirin û ez jî bi xalê xwe wan re diçûme paletiyê. Paletiyê da, |
Every summer I used to go those places. In the village in summer they do farming labour and I used to go with them to work in farming. In farming, | |
7 | Navê wî gundî çi ye? |
What is the name of that village? | |
8 | Navê wî gundî jî Axrûk e bi Kurmancî û bi Tirkî jî Aşaǧı Turgalı. |
The name of the village is Axruk in Kurdish and Asagi Tugrali in Turkish. | |
9 | Nêzîkî Ozalpê ye? |
Is it close to Ozalp? | |
10 | Nê/ sî kîlometre, sî kîlometre nêzîkî Ozalpê ye. |
It is thirty kilometers, thirty kilometers away from Ozalp. | |
11 | Nêzîkî sînorê Rojhilatê Kurdistanê ye, nêzîkî Îranê ye jî, û xelk li wê derê diçine mazotê jî, û êvarê ku mazotê vedgeriyan, șeveqê radbûn diçûne paletiyê. |
It is close to the border of Eastern Kurdistan, close to Iran, and the people go for (smuggling) gasoline and when they would return from (carrying) gasoline, they would wake up at dawn and go and farm. | |
12 | Bes, lê piştî mazotê, hêdî hêdî xelk dev ji paletiyê berdan, dev ji zeviyê xwe berdan. |
But after (arrival of the business of) gasoline, the people gradually gave up farming, they gave up their fields. | |
13 | Yanî wexta ku mazot pir bû, êdî gotin êdî hêvya me û debara me bi mazotê were kirin. |
That is when there was a lot of gasoline, they thought as “our livelihood will be from gasoline.” | |
14 | Lê ne yazix kî mazot qut bû, mazot êdî riya mazotê hate girtin, qereqol jî hate çêkirin ser sinorê Îranê, vêca xelk wî hingî dev ji ʕerdê xwe jî berdabûn, êdî zevî mevî jî nediçandin. |
But unfortunately the gasoline stopped, the road used for (transporting) gasoline was shut down, a military casern was built on the Iranian border, but then the people had given up working their fields, they were not cultivating in their fields. | |
15 | Êdî ne genim diçandin, ne ceh diçandin, ne/ tiştekî nediçandin û ḥeywanê xwe jî firotin, çunkî once tinebû. |
They were no longer cultivating wheat, barley or anything else and they sold their cattle because there was no clover (to feed them). | |
16 | Yan jî dibê debara wan tinebû bo zivistanê, îja nedikarîn biçûwana Batmanê alê Diyarbekrê û wan dera ew once bikiriyana. Pere ji bo wê tiştê jî nemabû. |
Or they thought there would not be enough for the cattle over winter, and they could not go to Batman or Diyarbakir area to buy clover. There was no money for such a thing. | |
17 | Êdî mazot çû û ʕerd jî çû, ḥeywan jî çû, piştî ku ḥeywan nebû qatiẋ û penîr jî nema. |
Now the gasoline was gone and the fields were gone, the cattle were gone too, and when there were no more cattle there was no more yoghurt and cheese. | |
18 | Vêca ber bi bajêr ve hatin, ber bi Wanê ve hatin. Hinek hatine Wanê, ketin îşê înşaata, hinek jî çûne îçeriyê, aliyê li Bodrumê, aliyê Antalya li wan dera ʕemeletiyê kirin dîsa. |
So they headed to the city centre, to Van. Some came to Van, they started working in constructions, while some went further in, towards Bodrum, Antalya areas, they again worked as construction labourers there. | |
19 | Lê vê gavê yê ku li gund mane, gelek kêm kes, hinik kêm, hinik yê ku piştî, wexta ku mazot hebû dîsa ḥeywanî/ ḥeywancîtî dikirin, zeviyê xwe diçandin. |
But now there are only a few who have stayed in the village, they are people who were still breeding livestock and cultivating their fields even when there was gasoline. | |
20 | Êwara wexta ku mazotan dihatin dîsa şeveqê radibûn, diçûne paletiyê, dîsa şivan gavanê wan hebû. |
In the evening when they would come back from (transporting) gasoline, they would still wake up at dawn and work on their farms, they still had shepherds. | |
21 | Lê wexta ku li gunda pez kêm bûn ji ber mazotê, pez û ḥeywan, dewar kêm bûn, êdî gavan û şivan jî nema. |
But when there were only a few sheep in the villages due to the gasoline business, the number of sheep and cattle diminished too, then there were no more shepherds. | |
22 | Çumkî gavan şivan jî êdî dest pê mazotê kiribûn. |
Because now the shepherds had also started working in the gasoline business. | |
23 | Diçûne mazotê, ser pişta hespê bûn, riḥet bûn, vêca ew gavan, şivanana jî, piştî mazotê derbasî îçeriyê bûn ji bo xebatê-w ʕemeletî, vê gavê li gunda da, tişta balkêş ew e, ew ê ku ḥeywanê wan mayî jî nikarin şivana peyda bikin. |
They would go to get gasoline, riding on horseback, they were comfortable, but these shepherds also went further in (to Turkey) for work, for labour, and now interestingly, in the village, those who have livestock are not able to find shepherds. | |
24 | An jî eger peyda bikin, şivan jî bi qîmeta berê nî/ na, vê gavê, deh carê bi qîmeta berê dixwazin şivantiyê ya jî xulamtiyê bikin. |
Or if they do find them, the shepherds agree to work as shepherds and servants for ten times higher pay than before. | |
25 | Yanî mala xalê min bi xwe salê deh şivana diguherin. Çünkü şiwan êdî gelek nazdar bûne. Yani ewe ḥemû jî, bela ewê bû, bela mazotê bû, perekî/ |
That is, my uncle’s have changed shepherds ten times in a year, since the shepherds have become very demanding. All this has been caused by the gasoline, by money/ | |
26 | Hanî qaçaxçîtî bû, çawa qaçaxçîtî, yanî hêviya, digotin {raser} ew navbera me-w Îranê wê her wext, êdî wê wekirî be, em-ê bikarin bi hespa, bi êvar ḥeta çend seferan bikin, ne seferekî. |
Yes it was smuggling, how (were they) smuggling, they were saying the road between us and Iran will always remain open, we will be able to go for several trips (of gasoline transportation from Iran into Turkey) not just one. | |
27 | Hinek, hinek ʕaîle bi deh hespan diçûn, hinek aîle bi bîst hespa diçûn û çend seferan dikirin. |
Some families would go with ten horses, some would go with twenty horses and they would do several trips (a night). | |
28 | Perekî baş dima ji wan ra. A vê gavê êdî mazot jî tune, zevî jî nemaye, ḥeywan jî nemaye. Herkes yanî çawa bêjim, willah birçî dibin mala xwe da. |
They would earn a good sum of money. And now there is no more gasoline either, there are no more fields, no more livestock. The people, how can I say, by God they stay hungry in their houses. | |
29 | Lê çend mal hene tenê çend wiha ew biaqil dev ji heywancîtiyê bernedan, vê gavê ḥeywanê xwe jî diçêrînin û zeviyê xwe jî diçînin, patoza xwe jî lê didin, genimê wan jî hene difroșin, dibine aş, hîn jî nanê xwe bi xwe jî, ardê xwe bi xwe ji aş tînin. Her aşî/ duruma ê hinika baş e yê hinika gelek xirab e. |
But there are a few houses, who were reasonable, they did not give up stockbreeding, and now they continue grazing their livestock and cultivate their fields, process their harvest, and they have wheat that they sell, that they take to the mill, even now they continue making their own bread, they bring their flour by themselves from the mill. The economic conditions of some are good, those of others are too bad. | |
30 | Wexta ku e zarok bûm, wexta gu e zarok bûm, ee yanî havînan ez diçûme gund, zêdetir min be/ le/ ew hespên mala xalê min, hespên wan gelek diqata min dikêşan, ez diçûme min cihî li wan diguherand, degîş dikir, min awa wan didayê, w-ez bi xwe siyar dibûm û e carekê ji hespê jî ketim mi nigê xwe jî şikand. |
When I was a child, when I was a child, in summer I would go to the village, I was mostly interested in my uncle’s horses, I would go to clean them out, I would provide them with water, and I would ride on them and once I fell down from the horse and I broke my leg. | |
31 | Lê xebera, çawa nigê mi şikiya, ça/ neşikiya gelek gelek ez pê ʕaciz bûm. Lê xebera diya min û wa-yê dinê nebûn. Li vê hingê tê bîra min, li her derê li her malê da, nêzikî deh pazde hesp hebûn. |
But when my leg broke, I was really unhappy. But my mother and others were not aware of it. I remember, at that time, every household had close to ten or fifteen horses. | |
32 | Lê vê gavê ji ber ku mazot tune, hesp jî tune li gund da, tu/ berê bi hespa diçûne li gundekî heta gundekî, vê gavê hesp jî tune. |
But, currently, since there is no gasoline (transporting business), there are no horses in the village, previously they would go from one village to another on horseback, now there are no horses either. | |
33 | Gerek ḥeb ʕerebekî nebe nikarin herin nav gunda jî, ew îletișima wan jî vê gavê gelek kêm bûye. |
If they don’t have a car they can’t go to villages either, their communication has been reduced a lot. | |
34 | ʕerebe jî tune ji ber ku mazot tune, ê hesp jî çûne, hesp jî tune ber mazotê. Ew îletișima wan jî kêm bûne naçine ser hev jî. |
There are no cars either since there is no gasoline, and the horses have gone too, horses too due to gasoline. Their communication has been reduced too, they do not visit each other. | |
35 | Tu dixwazî piçek beḥsa malbata we bike ji ku hatine? Çawa gehiștine, em bêjin/ |
If you wish, tell us a bit about your family, where they have come from, how they have arrived in, let’s say/ | |
36 | Ew, belê, ḥeta niha mi beḥsa aliyê mala, aliyê malbavana diya xwe kir. |
Yes, up to now I have talked about the family of my mother’s father. | |
37 | Lê li aliyê bawê min ḥe/ sala ḥezar nehsed heftê-w duduyan da ji gundê Kerkușê derbasî, ew Kerkușê girê/ girêdayî Xoyê ye, ew jî nêzikî geliyê Kotorê ye, li aliyê Rojhilat de, derbasî aliyê Tirka bûn. |
But on my father’s side, in 1972 they crossed from Kerkus, which is a village in Khoy, near the Kotor valley, in Eastern Kurdistan, on the Turkish side. | |
38 | Wê hingê, kalkê min ya rastî leșkerî jî, eskerî jî ji bo Îranê nekiribû. Û her wiha bavê min û apê min wan jî eskerî wan ra nekiribû. |
In truth, at that time, my grandfather had not done his military service for Iran. And likewise my father and uncles had not served in the military either. | |
39 | Û hatî/ hatine aliyê Xerabsorkê, li vê derê derbasî Serayê bûn. Û ji qeymeqamtiya Serayê îcaza/ îzna mayîna li aliyê Tirka xwastin. |
So they came to the area of Kharabsork. And they asked for permission to stay in Turkey from the Saray governorate. | |
40 | Vêca bi rêyekî wê derê man, pașê hatine li Wanê, li Wanê ji xwe ra qeḥweyekî wekirin, qeḥwa, navê qeḥwa wan jî “Arzû Çayevî” bû. |
So they remained there, then they came to Van, in Van they started a coffee house, the name of their coffee house was “Arzû Çayevî”. | |
41 | Li vê hingê, sala ḥeftê-w çara bû, ḥeftê-w pênca bû digotin aliyên li Arzû Çayevî, aliyên nêzikî –lê bin Qehreman otêlî bû– lê li wê derê hemû Kurdên ku wek dibên şoreşger û kurdewar dihatine li wa qeḥwa wan. |
At that time, in ’74 and ’75, around Arzû Çayevî – it was under Hotel Kahraman – there all the so-called revolutionary and patriotic Kurds would come to their coffee house. | |
42 | Paşê bi vê awayî ewana jî di nav siyaseta kurda de cîh girtin, lê zimanê wan jî berê ya Kerkûşê yan jîî aliyê Özalpê, ew jî nêzîkî Kerkûşê ye zimanê wan piçek ferq çêbû. |
Later on, in this way, they also started to get involved in Kurdish politics, but their language of the Kerkus or the Ozalp area, which is close to Kerkus, became a bit different. | |
43 | Çunkî êdî ketine nav şoreşa kurdî û bi têkiliya wan bi hevalê wan yên Başûr re çêbû, yê aliyê li Awrûpayê çêbû, kurdê li Ewrûpayê çêbû, yê li Diyarbekirê çêbûn û kurdiya wan jî tew piçek guherî. |
Because then they entered into Kurdish politics and they had relationships with their friends from southern Kurdistan, with those in Europe, with those in Diyarbakir and their Kurdish changed to some extent. |
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Turkey (Kurmanji)