K-068 Kozluk, Turkey


 1 Baș, seʕeta te xweș, ev pirsa dawî bû. Em-ê niha pên-șeș deqa li ser, em bêjin, jiyana te gundê we, bajarê we suḥbetekê bikin, tu xwazî..
Well, many thanks, this was the last question. Now for five or six minutes we will speak about your life, your village, your city, if you want.
 2 Tu bipirse ez e-jî gorî wî bersiv bidim.
You go ahead and ask me and I will respond accordingly.
 3 Ez-ê bipirsim, pêșî ez beḥsa daʕwetê we bikin em. Aliyê we daʕwetek çêbe hun çi li xwe dikin, hun çawa diçin kiçkê dixwazin tînin, piçik beḥsa wê bikin, ʕedetên we?
I will ask, first let’s talk about your weddings. When there is a wedding in your village how do you dress, how do you go to ask for the girl’s hand, tell us a bit about that, your customs.
 4 ʕedetê me çawa ye, ş/ keçik û xortik hev nas bikin, ji malbatê xu ra dêjin.
What are our customs like. When a girl and a boy like each other they tell their family.
 5 Meselen malbat tê destûr dixwaze, dibê ku îzna we hebe em ê werin mala we. Ku xwed/ mala bûkê destûr dan tê werin, tê werin keçikê bixwazin.
Then the family asks for permission, saying “if you allow us to we will come to your house.” If the bride’s family permits it they will come, they will come and ask for the girl’s hand.
 6 Ew {xxx} ku li hev bikin, qelen bixwazin qelenê xu dixwazin, zêr bixwazin, zêrê xu dixwazin.
If they agree, if they ask for a dowry, they ask for dowry, if they ask for gold, they ask for their gold.
 7 Deʕwetek tê çawa bikin diyar dikin di serî da, pașê ji bona ku pirsgirêk û ewk derneyên nava wan da.
They decide on what kind of a wedding they want at the beginning, so that later on there are no problems emerging between them.
 8 Șîranî peqlawa meqlawa tiștek naxwazin?
Don’t they ask for any sweets, baklawa or similar things?
 9 Ee îşte, ewil tev diyar dikin; mesele șêraniya wan tê kîngî be, tê çi qas zêr bi bûkê ve deynin, tê çi qas zêr bixwazin, tê bûk nav malê, were nav malê, tê qetandî be ew û çend {heb} xwestinê xu diyar dikin ji boy ku pașê pirsgirêk nava ḥer du malbata derneyê.  
Yes, at the beginning they decide on everything; for instance when the ceremony of sweets will take place, how much gold will be hung on the bride, how much gold they will ask for, whether the bride will come into the family’s home or be separate, they determine these and several demands of theirs so that later on there are no problems between the families.
 10 Dixwazin ku li hev bikin, werḥasil li ser zêr û tiștê li hev bikin, deʕweta xu diyar dikin, nîșaniya xu dikin pêșî.
If they agree on these, in short, if they agree on gold, they decide on the wedding (day and type), first they do the engagement ceremony.
 11 Ee, mesele nîșanî tên li șeqê bûkê dikin ê me, tev tên mala bûkê.
We do the engagement on the bride’s side, everyone comes to the bride’s house.
 12 Mesele hinek jî diçin șeqê zavayî, ê me tev tên mala bûkê, nîșaniya xu dikin, tatliya xu bela dikin, ḥer du cî gazî murovê xu dikin.
Some others go to the groom’s house, but we do it only at the bride’s house, they carry out the engagement ceremony, they distribute the dessert, both sides invite their relatives.
 13 Wextê, piștî deʕwet jî çê dibe, deʕwet jî ḥemû mesref ê me tev ji ewkê, ji kîsê mala zava ye.
When the wedding takes place, that is including the wedding, all the expense is on the groom’s house.
 14 Ee, meselen mala bûkê pere jî dixwaze ji boy ku mesela ji za/ nivîna çêkin ji boy bûkê.
For instance, the bride’s family asks for money in order to prepare the bed for the bride.
 15 Û da ewkê, kêmasiyê bûkê li mala xu temam bikin, pere ji şeqê zava dixwazin.
And to meet the needs of the bride at her house, they ask for money from the groom’s side.
 16 Ee daʕweta xu çêdikin, mesela, gel piranî bîna ʕewilî li ber derî deʕwet li ba me nayê kirin {tirê} ku ev düyün salonî malonî derketine, tev diçin düyün saloniya.
They have the wedding, but unlike in older times people don’t dance in front of the house   anymore since those wedding halls have appeared, everyone goes to the wedding halls.
 17 Cil û berg jî normal wan cil û bergê me ne yanî, ee cilên ê Kurdan yên kem qet kes li ba me li xu nake. Yên ku xu dikin jî, di nav gel da xelk feskê xu bi wan dike.
As for clothes, they are our regular clothes, the old Kurdish clothes nobody wears them anymore. Those who wear them are mocked by the people.
 18 Im yanî berî hebûn?
Did they exist before?
 19 Hebûne lê mesela vêga ku xu dikin dibên ev çiti cil in hûn çawa vana xu dikin! Moda wan derbas bûne..
They may have existed but now when they wear them they say “what kind of clothes are these, how can you wear them?! They are outdated.”
 20 Wisa biçûk dikin ber çaʕvê xelkê reș dikin, kes xu nake qewî weka berê
They scold them and make them (clothes) trivial to the people, so nobody wears them like before.
 21 Hûn çi li xwe dikin aliyê we?
What do you wear in your culture?
 22 Abîye me nava wanê moderen, tarzê wan dibêjin ya em moderen, cilê moderen xu dikin yanî kes zû bi zû șal û șapik û xeftan xu nake û naçe daʕwetê li ba me, em/ cem me tine.
In our side we wear those modern clothes, the style that is said to be modern, we wear modern clothes, that is nobody wears the “șal û șapik” and “xeftan” togo to weddings, it does not exist in our culture.
 23 Hin malbat li xu dikin jî, wan biçûk dikin mesela. Û mesela ku daʕwet dikin, daʕwetê me mesela çargavî heye, sêpê heye, ondan sonra govend heye dilêyzin. Ev deng ewk tên, ekîp genelde tên.
Some families wear them, but they are mocked. As for wedding dances, we have “çargavî”, “sêpê”, then we have “govend”. Usually there are bands coming [to play].
 24 Saz ekîbî dibên?
Music bands they say?
 25 Ee, wekî din..
Yes, otherwise…
 26 Bi xwe kes nabêje ne? Gava govendê digrin devkî nabêjin? Yek dibêje, yê dî dubare dike?
They do not sing by themselves right? When they dance in a circle don’t they sing? Like one singing, another one repeating?
 27 Na, na tiștê wisa li cem me tineye, hebin jî vêga nemane. Yanî ekîbek dêje, eger xweș be nexweș be jî tev mecbûr in lê guhdarî bikin. Ee wekî din..
No, no there is no such thing among us, even if it does, it does not exist anymore. That is, a band sings, and whether it’s good or bad everyone has to listen to it. Otherwise…
 28 Piranî jî nexweș in?
Mostly they are bad?
 29 Piranî jî nexweș e, mixabin. Wekî din çawa bêjim, jixu piranî sitranên siyasî tên gotin, yanî ew degiș nabe tu car. Û xeynî wî li cem me piștderî heye.
They are mostly bad, unfortunately. Apart from that, how can I say, they mostly sing political songs, that is it doesn’t change anytime. Apart from that we have “piștderî” (lit. behind the door).
 30 Piștderî çi ye?
What is “piștderî”?
 31 Piștderî jî ew e, mesela gava ku bûk ji mal derneyê, yanî wê hên mal derneket, mala bavê xu da ye, ku xwediyê mala zavê werin ku bûkê bibin, ee birayê bûkê be diya bûkê be, xuwa bûkê be deriyê ku bûk tê de be digre ḥeta perekî mixterek ji wan nestîne, nahêlin bûk biçe. Ondan sonra..
“Piștderî” is when the bride has not yet come out of the house, when she is still in her father’s house, when the groom’s family come to fetch the bride, whether the bride’s brother or mother, or bride’s sister, locks the door of the room in which the bride sits and do not let her go until they receive a sum of money from them. Afterwards…
 32 Rușwetê distînin?
They get bribes?
 33 Yanî rușwet e û ne ku/ tiștekî nexweș e, ema distînin. Wekî din, ewk heye pêșiya ʕereba digrin, li cem me. Mesela zarok bin, ewk bin, ḥeta perekî baș nestînin {xxx}.
It is bribe, and it is an unpleasant thing, but they take it. Apart from that, they block the passage of the cars, if they are kids, until they receive a good sum of money.
 34 Gava ku bûkê dibin ʕerebê de yek li kêleka bûkê rûnê deriyê ʕerebê venake, dîsa pere ji xwediyê mala zava distînin.
When they take the bride, in the car one sits next to the bride, they do not open the door of the car until they receive money from the groom’s family.
 35 Gava k/ gava ku bûk peya dibe meselen ji ʕerebê, cêrek heye tije ye tê de șekkir heye ewî dișkênin.
When the bride gets out of the car, there is a bucket full of candies, they break it.
 36 Eyer ku bișkê yanî tê ewka wan nava wan xweș be tê ew bûk û ew nabin ku neșkê jî ew bûk tê nava wan nexweș be. Yanî tê wê watê li ba me.
If it breaks, it means that they will get along well; if it does not break, they [the bride and groom] will not get along well. That is, it means that in our culture.
 37 Ondan sonra, darek heye çêdikin “dara zavê” jê ra dibêjin.
Afterwards, there is a tree that they prepare and call “the tree of the groom”.
 38 Tê da çiq, vêga şekir mekir pê va datînin, çiqolata heye tê da pê va dêtînin, temezî memezî wisa tiştekî xweşik çêdikin. Malon be çi be pê ve deytînin.
They put candies and such things on it, they put chocolate, headbands and such things, so they make something nice out of it. They put balloons and whatever on it.
 39 Ewiya jî zava diweşîne, tevî ser wan da dixîne, pere davê serê zaroka va, meselen zarokê biçûk va.
The groom shakes it, pours everything on their heads, throws money on to the children, on to small children.
 40 Wekî din yanî tiştê ku vêga tê bîra min/.
Otherwise, that is, what I can remember now.
 41 Baş, naxwe, piçek beḥsa gundê xwe bike. Gundê we nêzîkî Batmanê ye, Qozluẋê, kî derê ye?
Good, then tell us a bit about your village. Is your village near Batman, Kozluk, or where?
 42 Gundê me, navbera Qozluẋ û Batmanê da ye, ne gund e, aslinda yanî, belde ye yanî.
Our village is between Kozluk and Batman, it is not a village, that is, it is a township.
 43 Ji gund mestir e, tê da mekteb heye, lîse heye, qereqol heye, xestane heye û market û tiştê wisa hene.
It is bigger than a village, there is a school in it, a high school, a casern, a hospital and grocery stores and such things.
 44 Navê wê çi bû te go?
What was its name you said?
 45 Kanya Ḥenê, tirkî jê-r dibê {Bekiran}. Erê, imm tekstîl tê da heye, yanî mezin e, ema hanî ne gund e, yanî.
Kanya Henê, in Turkish it is called {Bekiran}. Yes, there is textile [factory] in it, that is it is big, but it is not a village.
 46 Û li gor ê dora xu jî pêşveçû ye yanî.
And compared to its surroundings it is developed.
 47 Mesela, em jixu tiştek lazimiyê me hebe, lazimetîkî me hebe em dikarin {navberê} de bibînin, ne ḥewce ye em herin bajêr yanî.
For instance, if we need something, we can find it there, we don’t need to go to the city.
 48 Piranî jî em naçin ji boy xwarin û tiştê wisa. En, boyî meselen tiştên şexsî ku lazim be, xestê be, xesteke mezin be mesele em diçin.
We usually don’t go there for food and such things. For personal things, if it is needed, such as going to the hospital, if it is a serious illness, we go there.
 49 Wekî din yanî em tev nava gund da ne.
Otherwise we are all in the village.
 50 Çi diçînin, debara we li ser çi ye? Ekonomiya we li ser çi ye?
What do you sow, what do you live on? What does your economy depend on?
 51 Piranî ê me, ḥeywanê me hene, mesela çêleka xwedî dikin, pez hene, ema ew zeʕv nemane-w çiqa diçe jî kêm dibin, ji ber ku dinya germ dibe û hêşinayî mêşinayî namîne, çandinî dikin, cîkî beyar namîne ku dewar, ḥeywan herin.
Mostly we have livestock, for instance they breed cows, sheep, but there aren’t many of them   and there are less and less of them, since the weather has become warmer and there are no more green areas, they cultivate the fields, there are no more uncultivated areas for the animals to go [and graze].
 52 Genim dêytinin, nok be nîsk be misir be û bîber û/ mesele her malê li ber derî baxçekî wî heye, ji xu ra firingiya dêtîne, bacanê reş be sa, xiyar be, meyweyê wî mesela tê da hene, li ji xu ra wana dêytîne.
They sow wheat, chickpeas or lentils or corns or pepper / for instance in front of every house there is a garden, they plant tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, they have their fruits in there, they plant them there for themselves.
 53 Wekî din gerekî, temamî jî karker in, mesela îşçî ne, li xestê Batmanê da dişiẋulin, memûr in.
Otherwise, all of them are workers, for instance they are workers, they work at the Batman hospital, they are state officers.
 54 Ondan sonra meʕlim hene mesela ji boy, tewî ku hem lîse hem ilkoqul heye.
After that there are teachers since there are both primary and high schools.
 55 Yanî ewk nîne ha, çawa bêjim hem çandinî dikin û hem jî wekî din karkerê wan tiştekî wan heye.
That is, they work in agriculture and they also have workers and such things.
 56 Piçek beḥsa em bêjin xwendina xwe bike? Yanî ji bo te, wek jineke kurd, zeḥmetiyên we çi ne?
Tell us a bit about your studies. That is, for you as a Kurdish woman, what were its difficulties?
 57 Zeḥmetiyê wê, șeqê mala xalê min mesela pir dijminê xwendinê nîne jî, ji alî keçika ve dijminê xwendinê ne, naxwazin keçik bixwênin mesela.
Its difficulties, the side of my maternal uncles are not that much against studying, but they are against girls’ studying, they do not want the girls to study.
 58 Gava mi pêșî jî dixwend hanî, çawa bêjim, li min dirêntin digotin “tê ev qîzik xera bibe, tê here riyeka nebaș.”
When I first started studying, how can I say, they would look at me and say “this girl will go bad, she will go astray.”
 59 Yanî çima seyîd in, șêx in yan?
Why? Are they sayyids or sheikhs?
 60 Seyîd in, em bêjin, ema dîtineka kon ber çavê wan heye, ku keçik bixwênin tê îla herin. Rastî keçên wisan zeʕv bûn, hanî ê ku mixabin xapiyan û tiștê nexweș dikirin hebûn.  
They are sayyids, let’s put it that way, but they have an old view, that if the girls study they will always go wrong, in truth there were may such girls, those who got deceived and did bad things.  
 61 Lê ji wan tekinî hemû keçê ku dixwînin ew e. Ew nêrîneka nebaș li ber çavê wan heye.
But they thought that every girl that studied would be like that.
 62 Nav balbat/ malbata xu da jî ya ku dixwîne yaşê vê yaşê da hebe ez im, yanî navbera wan da.
They had such a bad view. In my family, I am the only one who studies at this age.
 63 Ji ber wî jî ewk dikirin yanî mesele digotin çima dixwîne?
Because they would do the thing, they would say why would she study?
 64 Kes naxwîne, mesele ne qîzxalê min ne qîzxaltiyê min û xweyê min ê ji min mestir jî nexwendin.
Nobody studies, for instance, neither my uncles’ daughters nor my aunts’ daughters and my elder sisters did not study either.
 65 A ku dixwîne û derva ye ez im, navbera wan da. Ji ber wî jî hinek astengî mi kişand.
Among them the only one who studies and who is away is me. That is why I went through some difficulties.
 66 Ama dîsa jî min hemberî wan derketim ku ez-ê bixwênim yanî, kes nikare ji boy wî.
But still I objected to them saying that I would study and nobody could do anything.
 67 Lazim be jî yanî, diya min piştgirî da min, ne waka wan bû, waka wan nedifikirî.
If needed, my mother supported me, she was not like them, she did not think like them.
 68 Birê min, ʕeynî wusa yanî bi saya wan mi jî xwend.  
My brother, again was just like that, and thanks to them I could study.
 69 Bi saya piştgiriya dayka xwe?!
Thanks to your mother’s support?
 70 Ee.
 71 Baş e serkevtin, gelek sax bî, mala te ava.
Well, good luck, many thanks, may your house be prosperous.
 72 Ya te jî.
Yours too.
 73 Sipas dikim.
Many thanks.
 74 Sipas xweş.
You are welcome.
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