S-048 Baneh, Iran

 1 Naxoştirîn kat-îşî ew bîdayetey bûy ke hatîn ême bo Ałmanya, xoman teslîm kird.
And the worst time was at the beginning when we came to Germany, and handed ourselves in.
 2 Ne ziman ezanî, ne kesî lê ye yarmetîw ba.
You don’t know the language, nor is there anyone to help you.
 3 [Ewele] ême çûyne Zirîndof, ême.
Though, we were going to Zirndorf.
 4 Îtir, fetreyekî zor naxoş bû ta lewê derçûyn.
So, it was a very horrible time till we left there.
 5 Kempêkî zor qerebałiẋ bû.
It was a very overcrowded camp.
 6 Zistan bû.
It was winter.
 7 Îtir, çadiryan hełabû le ḥewşeke-ya.
So, they had set up tents in the courtyard.
 8 Îtir, xełkêkî zor, wezʕêkî na xoş, pîs-u çepeł îtir t/ lewê/ ta/ lewê nemayn.
Hence, lots of people, a very terrible situation, dirty, there/ until we left there.
 9 Îtir wirde wirde xom rrahatim legeł weẓʕeke-ya.
Then, gradually, I became acquainted with the situation.
 10 Îşim dozîyewe, çûme ser îş.
I found a job; I started working.
 11 Wirde wirde kontaktim kird legeł xełk-a; teʕamulim kird.
I gradually established contacts with people; I interacted.
 12 Wirde wirde ziman fêr bûm,
I increasingly learnt the language.
 13 şarezay şitekan bûm,
I became familiar with the things.
 14 şwên şareza bûm.    
I became familiar with the places.
 15 Îtir/                   
 16 Ke îcazey îş-u şitit mege hebû?
So, you might have a work permit?
 17 Min eh/ dû sał be rreş îşim kird, bes îste ewe, eme panẓehemîn rrojim e ke be sipî îş ekem.
I er/ have worked in the black market for two years; however, this is my fifteenth day that I have legally worked.
 18 Emrro çenî mang e?
What is the date today?
 19 Çuwarde ye; panẓe, şanẓe rroj e duway dû sał ke min lêre m.
It is fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen days and two years since I have been here.
 20 Min her le Zirîndof ke hatim çûme ser îş lêre.
When I came from Zirndorf, I started working here.
 21 Le meṭʕemê qapim eşord, heta le qap-şordinekewe wirde wirde fêrî em şitey tir bûm.
I was washing dishes in a restaurant until I learnt these other skills, bit by bit from washing the dishes.
 22 Fêrî döner bûm, fêrî pîtza bûm.
I learnt (to make) donner kebabs, I learnt (to make) pizzas.
 23 Îtir wirde wirde îşeke fêr bûm û, îtir
Thus, I learnt the job step by step, and so
 24 Daway wereqey îşim ekird, bes neyaneyamê
I had applied for a work permit, yet they were not giving it to me.
 25 Îtir ewe Kak Newzad-u ewan-îş her hewłyan ya, bes neyan eyamê.
Next Mr Nawzad and those people tried, but they still didn’t give it to me.
 26 Îse îşêkî kem dozîweto, lewê le Xwa be ziya bê, îşî sipî ekem-û.
Now I have found another job; thank God, I work legally there, and
 27 Îtir be îşekewe meşẋûł im.
So, I am busy with the job.
 28 Pêt xoş e çon tsi bikey duwaye, bername-w şitit çon e?
How, what do you like to do afterwards, what are your plans and such things?
 29 Detewê birroye çuwê, natewê birroye çuwê? Bibye çi kare?
Where do you want to go? Where don’t you want to go? What job you want to do?
 30 Wełayî, xo weẓʕiyetekeman meʕlûm nîye lêre, ême, carê.
In fact, our circumstances are not known here up to now.
 31 Ême le/ derdî kabra ełê, le qeleqîyeka mawîn: aya cuwab weregirî, îqame weregirî, werî nagirî.
We in/ as it is said: we are in a state of tension, whether you get a positive response, you get a permit, or you don’t get it.
 32 To carê hîç eh/ tesmîmêkit negirtûwe ke to çî bikey, çî nekey.
Yet you haven’t got any shape to be able to do something, or not to do it.
 33 Xoy ew qeleqîye zor naxoş e.
That uncertainty itself is very awful.
 34 Ta îqame-şit nebê lêre hîş-şitêk natuwanî bikey.
And unless you have a permit, you cannot do anything here.
 35 Yeʕnî, bo her şwênêk eçî, e/ ew/ ew ozvayzew bibînê, be noʕêkî tir rreftarit legeł-a eka.
That is to say, wherever you go, if he/she sees that/ that ID card, she/he will treat you in a differently.
 36 Lewe eçê to însanêkî baş bî, bes eha hezarehay wekû to hatuwe bo em wułate-w hezarehay wa-yşî tiya ye, her yekew xerîkî dizî ye, yekê xerîkî şerr e.
You may be a good person, but thousands like you have come to this country, and there are thousands, who are busy stealing, one is busy fighting.
 37 Nî/ t/ ew-îş her wekû ême wa ye, ʕeynen ozvayzî pêye.
And he/she is like us; he/she holds the same ID card,
 38 Îtir hemûy be yek çaw seyir eken.
So, they look at them with the same eye.
 39 Yeʕnî, ta to îqamekew nebêt, natuwanî hîş şitê bikey.
I mean, unless you have a permit you will not be able to do anything.
 40 [Min] eger îqamem hebê, ʕîse etwanim dûkanî xom danêm.
If I have a permit now I will be able to open my own shop.
 41 Meṭʕem etwanim danêm.
I can run restaurants.
 42 Bes îtir ke nebêt, to-ş bîrî lê nakeytewe.
But if not, you too will not think of it.
 43 Xełik legełit çon dedwêt? Jiyanî îjtîmaʕîy êre çon e kulluhum le laḥez teḥdid xanewadegî rreftar-u ḥemû şitekan?
How do the people talk to you? How is the social life here in general, particularly in terms of family, behaviour and everything?
 44 Wekû be ʕam eh/ yeʕnî ya Kurdekey xoman, ya Farseke, ya ʕerebeke, bêganeke ke lêre ye, ew ta ḥeddêk zor baştir in.
For example, in general eh/, our Kurds, the Persians, the Arabs, or the foreigners who are here are much better, to a degree.
 45 Bes x/ Ûrûpîye esłeke, Ałmane esłeke, ewaney ke lêre gewre bûn, lêre le dayik bûn, çendîn sałe lêre n, eh/ zorbeyan legeł bêganeya lûtberz in.
However, the native European, the native German, who has grown up here, was born here, and has been here for a number of years, er/ most of them are arrogant with foreigners.
 46 Çuke ke to qise ekey, bo nimûne min carî wa ye qise ekem legeł yekêka, be noʕêk cuwabim eyatowe,
Because when you speak, for example, there are times when I speak to somebody, he/she replies to me in a strange manner.
 47 Ezanê ha/ zimanekem ewe nîye, be meẓbûtî qisey legeł-a/ taqetî nîye qisem legeł-a bika.
He/she knows my language is not good enough to speak perfectly with him/her, he/she won’t intend to talk to me.
 48 To-ş zor car bûwe îtir ṭewaw ewe hestî pê ekey kabra ḥez naka qisew legeł-a bika, ya/
And you, most of the time, feel that the person does not want to talk to you.
 49 Îtir, çaret nîye, xo çî ekey?!
So, there is no solution, what shall you do?!
 50 Îtir, wekû ʕayle-w xełkî êre weła îtir her yekew noʕêk e.
And with regards to families and the people here, in fact each one is different.
 51 Natwanî biłêy hemûy wa ye.
You can’t say all are the same.
 52 Qisan bika.                            
 53 Ca weła îtir basî tsîw bo bikem!
So, what shall I tell you about!
 54 Îtir, ca hendê kes lêre hên, ke ême-şyan xirap kirdûwe; îşekey ême-şyan seqet kirdûwe.
Then some people come here, who damage our reputation too; they have destroyed our jobs as well.
 55 Eh/ kabra ne îşî heye, ne karî heye, ne îqamey heye, eh/ genc e.
Er/ the man doesn’t have a job, nor has a permit; er/ he is young.
 56 Ḥez eka biçête derewe, meşrûb exwatewe, ebê be şerrî, tûşî derman ebê, derman exwa, em la ew la, ecîrê.
He loves to go out; he drinks alcohol, is involved in fighting, involved in drugs, takes drugs, here and there; he/she will be jailed.
 57 Yeʕnî, be boney eh/ ew noʕe zelamanowe hendêkî ke-ş in ke tiya eçin.
I mean, because of such people, there are others too who will be lost.
 58 Yeʕnî, nawî eh/ penaberan/ penaberekanyan xirap kirduwe.
That is to say, they have damaged er/ the reputation of refugees/ the refugees.
 59 Zor kes heye, eçê şerr eka.
There are many people who fight.
 60 Eçête dîsko; lewê bitił eşkênê.
He goes to disco; he damages/smashes bottles there.
 61 Îtir, wa ezanê lay xoman e.
Then, he/she thinks it is our country.
 62 Ya êran e ya êraq e, ya her ş/ le her şuwênêko ke hatuwe.
It is either Iran, or Iraq, or wherever he/she has come from.
 63 Çeqo le xełik eya.                    
He stabs people.                     
 64 Bo ew şitane, yeʕnî, ewanî tir-îş têwe gilaw in, yeʕnî îse yêkek wekû xoman.
Due to those things, others too have been mixed up, now, let’s say, somebody like us.
 65 Kabra xo nazanê to baş î, xirap î, çî t.
The man doesn’t know you are good, you are bad or what you are.
 66 Her bew çawowe seyrit eka.
They look at you with the same eye.
 67 Ya polîsêk rrategirê, yekem şit daway hewyekew lê eka, ozfayz.
Or when the police stop you, the first thing, he/she asks for your ID, the ID card.
 68 Her ke/ to ozvayzekew neyawetê, her wereqeke xoy diyar e, yekser lêw weregirê.
When/ you haven’t even given him/her your ID card yet, the paper itself will be noticeable, immediately he/she takes it from you.
 69 Ełê: teftîşî ʕam.
He/she says: general investigation.
7 0 Yekser, teftîşit eka.
Immediately, he/she inspects you.
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