S-076 Mawat, Iraq

 1 Emewê beşêk le jiyanî minałî xom le Mawet bicêrrmewe. Eh/ le rrastî-ya   minałîm le zor şwên be ser birdûwe.
I want to talk about my childhood life in Mawat. In fact, I spent my childhood in many places.
 2 Eh/ min xom le Diwanyê le dayik bûm ke le başûr/ başûrî êrraqa. Be hoy awareyîyewe çûynete Dîwanyê.
Er/ I was born in Dewanya in the south/ south of Iraq. Due to displacement we setlled in Dewanya.
 3 Bawkim pêşmerge bûwe. Eh/ duwayî ke hatowetewe, nefîyan kirdûwe bo Diwanyê. Bełam duwayî ke hatînewe le sałî, eh/ hefta-w-heşt çûyne Mawet.
My father was a Peshmarga. Er/ later when he surrendered himself, he was exiled to Dewanya but ultimately in, er/ 1978 after we returned, we went to Mawat.
 4 We duwayî-ş ke sałî heşta dîsanewe gerraynewe Mawet, we duway sałî heşta-w çwar dîsanewe gerraynewe Mawet.
Once more in 1980 we returned to Mawat, and after 1984 we returned to Mawat again.
 5 Maweyekî zorim le jîyanim le Mawet be ser birdûwe. Xwêndinî seretayîm, polî yekî seretayîm lewê bûwe, polî pêncî seretayî-şim her lewê bûwe be kamilî.
I spent most of my life in Mawat. I had my elementary school, my first elementary class there. I had my fifth elemenatry class completely there.
 6 Eh/ ewey ke naxoş bû lew kate-ya bo min birîtî bû le jîyanim le jêr sayey ew şerrî ʕeraq û êran we û şerrî kurd û pêşmerge.
Er/ in those days what was unfortunate in my life was the time during the wars between Iraq, Iran and Kurdish peshmargas.
 7 Eh/ şerrî êran û ʕeraq karîgerîyekî zorî hebû. Eh/ le herdû lawe firrokekanî êran û firrokekanî ʕeraq we tobbaranî ʕeraq û tobbaranî êran-îşman le ser bû.
Er/ the war between Iraq and Iran had a huge impact. Er/ we were under Iranian and Iraqi warplane bombardments from both sides and under Iraqi and Iranian bombs.
 8 Le heman kat-a be hoy bûnî komełêk baregay dîmûkrat û xebat ke, eh/ çen hêzêkî dij be dewłetî êran bûn.
At the same time, since several headquarters of the Democrats and Xebats were based there, er/ who were against the Iranian state.
 9 Eh/ we baregakeyan beramber mektebekey ême bû le ber ewe berdewam ew şwêney ke êmey lê bûyn bordûmanî, eh/ topekanî êranî le ser bû.
Er/ since their headquarters were located just opposite our school, the location of our school was under the bombardment, er/ of Iranian bombs. 
 10 Eh/ zor şitî naxoş rrûy eya. Her çi katêk ke bimanzaniyaya yan mamostakan bîyanzaniya ke le pêncî seretay bûm ew kate; mamostakan biyanzaniya ke topî êran dêt yaxût topî ʕêraq dê, eh/ dengekeyan ebîst we yekser êmeyan rrewaney jêrzemînêk ekird.
Er/ plenty of bad events took place. Whenever we or the teachers knew that the Iranians or the Iraqis were going to bomb us; at that time I was in the fifth class of elementary school, er/ they heard the alarm and then they sent us all into the basement.
 11 Eh/ lem jêrzemîne-ya cêgay hemûmanyan ekirdewe bełam jêrzemîneke le ber ewey ke rrêk dergakey beramber dergay baregay êranîyekan bû zor metirsîdar bû.
Er/ they made space for all of us in the basement but since the basement’s main door was just opposite to the Iranian headquarters’ main door, it was very unsafe.
 12 Ewey we bîrim dê ta lew-ya topêk ya le berdem mektebekeman. Îtir ke lêy ya le ber ewey çew, wirde çew û şitî-şî lê bû,
As much as I remember, a bomb landed just in front of our school. When it landed, it hit the grit, small grit and such things there.
 13 êste cuwan le bîrime ke ****** biram le pêşmewe danîştibû le naw jêrzemîneke-ya. Eh/ top/ hêzî topeke zor bequwet bû ke lêy yayin bew şitekey.
Now I remember very well, my brother ***** sat down just in front of me in the basement. Er/ the bomb/ the artillery was quite strong when it hit us.
 14 Eh/ waman zanî ****** biram birînar bûwe çûke be hêzî topeke kew be zewîya w xwên le destî hat, ke seyrman kird parçey hînî ber kewtibû, zîx, ke hełî yabû.
Er/ we thought my brother ***** was injured because the power of the bomb made him fall to the ground and made his hand bleed but then we realized that pieces of grit from the bombing hit him.
 15 Eh/ duwayî, duway çend deqeyek lewey ke barûdoxeke aram bowe w dengî topekan nema, eh/ mamostakan wîstyan ême binêrnewe małewe.
Er/ afterwards, a couple of minutes after everything calmed down and the bombing ended, er/ the teachers tried to send us back home.
 16 Ke hatîne derewe seyrman kir yekêk le endamanî Xebat bû yan Dîmûkrat bû le dukanêkî çoła bewberewe, eh/ parçey topî ber kewtibû.
When we came out we saw a member of either Xabat or Democrat lying down in an empty shop, er/ he was hit by pieces of the bomb.
 17 Ême-ş minał bûyn zor tirsayn ke seyrman kird, eh/ parçeyekî top ber milî kewtibû, parçeyekî top ber singî kewtibû, îtir lewe-ya bû ciyanî eya.
We were children and so scared when we saw, er/ a piece of bomb had hit his neck, another piece had hit his chest and he was going to die.
 18 Ême-ş bew minałiye awa seyrman ekird, zor zor tirsayn. Îtir ew bû mamostakan êmeşyan nardewe małewe.
We at that young age watched him, we were so scared.  Then the teachers sent us back home.
 19 Eh/ eme tenha carêk nebû çendîn car eme çore şitane dubare ebûewe.
Er/ this was not the first time, many times such things happened again and again. 
 20 Ya/ minałîman be ho/ be hoy ew şerrewe zorî le dest çû. Yarîyekî xoşman nebû bîkeyn.
We lost most of our childhood because/ because of that war. We didn’t have many games to play.
 21 Tenha yarîyek ke heman bû yarîyekî sade bû ke pêkewe legeł purza û xałoza û xizmekanî tirman şewan daenîştîn le Mawet we pêkawe ḥîkayetman bo yek agêrrayewe, metełman le yek epirsî   û. Eh/ şitî xoşman bo yektir bas ekird û hendê car hałmaqoman ekird û.
The only game we had was a simple form of entertainment with my cousins where we all got together in Mawat to tell stories to each other, we made puzzles for each other and. Er/ we told nice stories to each other and sometimes we played Halmaqo.
 22 Eh/ ewe jîyanî emey minałî bû, le rrastî-ya bo ew kate. Bełam le çaw minałî êstaya ême jîyanman zor zor, naxoşîyekî zorî tîya bûwe.
Er/ in fact this was about our childhood life at that time. But comparing to today’s childhood we had an extremely unfortunate life. 
 23 Lewane ke êsta cuwan le bîrim mawe w çend carêkî-ş, yanî zor car be xeyałma dê ke bo çî eme wa bûwe.
Those events I can remember very well and many times, I mean it comes into my mind and I ask myself why we had such a life. 
 24 Şewane katêk xeber ehat bo daykman, bo bawkman, bo hemû Mawetîyekan ke guwaye, eh/ ebêt çołî ken emşew çûnke şwêneketan bordûman ekrê le layen ʕeraqewe yan le layen êranewe.
During those nights when the news came to our mothers, our fathers, to all people in Mawat that, er/ they had to evacuate during the night because their location might be bombed by Iraq or Iran. 
 25 Eh/ ebwaye biçûynaye bo şaxekey ewber. Le şaxekey ewbermanewe şwênêkî lêye pêy ełên Berberd.
Er/ we had to go to the mountain on the other side. There was a site on the mountain just opposite to our location called Barbard.
 26 Êsta Berberd teqrîben wek şwênêkî sîyaḥî xełkî Mawet û dewrûberekey be karî ehênin, eçin lewê xerîkî masî girtin û ewane ebin.
Now Barbard is almost used as a tourist site where people of Mawat and the neighborhoods go to fish and such things.
 27 Teqrîben le naw Mawetewe rrenge be seʕat û nîwêk yan dû seʕat bigeyte naw Berberd. Eh/ ebwaye hemû şewê ême, şe/ şew le seʕat şeş, hewtewe birroyiştînayete derewe.
The way to get from Mawat to Barbard might take about an hour and half or two hours. Er/ every night we had to go outside at six or seven o’clock in the evening. 
 28 Bo ewey ke tobbaranî êran zererman pê negeyenê, yan tobbaranî ʕeraq yan şerrî pêşmerge û caşekan, eçûyne Berberd.
We went to Barbard to escape the bombing from Iran, or the bombing from Iraq or the fight between Peshmargas and militias.
 29 Lewê tewawî şeweke emaynewe, dîsanewe beyanî egerraynewe. Eme-ş dîsanewe çendîn şew û, la/ bo çend mangêk berdewam ebû.
We stayed there for the whole night. This continued for several nights, in/ it took a couple of months. 
 30 Eh/ min zor minał bûm, zorî-ş etirsam be şew ke erroyştme derewe.
Er/ I was a little child and was very scared when we went outside in the night. 
 31 Eh/ ew kate-ş ke be bîrim dê yakêk lew caraney ke rroyştûmete derewe. Eh/ mangî şeş bû, genim gułî kirdbû bełam bała-şî beriz bû genmeke hêşta wişk nebubowe, qed û bałay hebû. Ebuwaye be naw genmeke-ya birroyiştînaye.
Er/ as I remember one of those times when we went outside. Er/ it was in June, the wheat flours were in blossom and had high stems but not yet dried, they had high stems. We had to pass through the wheat flours. 
 32 Le ser rrêga kanîyek-man tuş ebû, kanî Rreşemariyan pê ewit. Lem kanîyeya eʕtîyadî rraewestayn bo aw xuwardinewe û emane.
On the road, we used to come across a spring called Rashmaran. Usually we stopped at that spring to drink water and so on. 
 33 Bełam min ewene tirsabûm, şew mange şew bû. Eh/ wa hestim eekird ke/ le tenîşt daykimewe bûm, daykim ʕebayekî be serewe bû. Le tenîşt dayikmewe bûm; hemû carê desî daykim egirt be qayim.
But I was too scared. It was a full moon. Er/ I was feeling like/ I was beside my mother, my mother wore a cloak. I was beside my mother; I always held my mother’s hand tightly. 
 34 Wa hestim ekird kesêk le naw genmekeya, kesêkî spî awa ser beriz ekat û ser nizm ekatewe, ser beriz ekat û ser nizm ekatewe, wekû min arrwa.
I felt like there was a person in the wheat flours, a white person who bobs his head, moves his head up and down, moves his head down and up, walks just like me. 
 35 Ewene etirsam eçûme jêr ʕebaekey daykimewe, xom qepat ekird û îtir be hoy daykimewe min erroyiştim, xom çaw û şitim enûqan le tirsa.
I was so scared that I hid myself under my mother’s cloak and tightened myself. I walked and so frightened that I kept my eyes closed.
 36 Eh/ egeyşt/ pêş ewey bigeyne ser kanîyeke seyrim ekird le ser kanîyeke piyawekî gewre, ke heta seyrim ekird gewre bû.
Er/ get to/ before reaching the spring I saw a big man appeared just at the edge of the spring, so big that as much as I stared at him he looked bigger.
 37 Danîştibû le ser kanîyeke w bergî spî le ber-a bû. Eh/ le ser/ wekû l ser kursîyek danîştibê wa bû.
He sat down at the edge of the spring wearing a white dress. Er/ on the/it was as if he were sitting down on a chair.
 38 Îtir eḥtîyadî ewene tirsam ew care-ş her nemwêra awî-ş bixomewe.
In fact, I was so frightened again that I didn’t dare to even drink water.
 39 Eçûme jêr ʕebakey daykimewe, îtir daykî-şim bewî-şim neewit, ‘dayke, zor etirsim û ewane’, bełam îtir xom ḥeşar eya le jêr ʕebaekeyewa.
I hid myself under my mother’s cloak and I didn’t tell my mother, “mum, I’m scared” or anything, but I covered myself under her cloak.
 40 Duwayî ke gewre bûm bîrim ekirdewe; emwit ewe çî bû ke min bînîwm.
Later when I was older I thought about it; asking myself what it was that I saw.
 41 Îtir ke bom derkewt eme ew kate mange şew bû, mange şew pirr bû. Îtir minî-ş hemû carê le tirsa carêk seyrî zewîm kirdûwe, carêk seyrî ʕesmanim kirdûwe.
I then realised that at that time there had been a full moon, the moonlight was full. Then because of being so scared, I looked at the soil, then I looked at the sky again.
 42 Ke seyrî ʕesmanim kirdûwe, eh/ mange şeweke le çawma bûwe ke seyrî xuwarewem kirdûwe tîşkî mange şeweke lay min bote ew zelamaney ke wek spî bûn, hatûn û rroyiştûn.
When I looked at the sky, er/ the light of the moon stayed in my eyes while I looked down, then in my eyes the moonlight became that white person who came and walked.
 43 [Tumez] her tîşkî mange şeweke bûwe, yeʕnî rrûnakîyekey ewe bûwe le çawma mawetewe.
I realised that it was just the moonlight, I mean it was its light that remained in my eyes. 
 44 Emane çendîn şew berdewam bû, yeʕnî xwa xwaman bû ew barûdoxe kotayî bêt.
Those events were continuous for a lot of nights, I mean we prayed for that situation to end.
 45 Ewey ke êsta-ş, lew yadgariyaney ke her le bîrime le Mawet, Mucahîdî lê bûn, Mucahîdî xełkyan pê ewitin. Mucahîdî xełik ewanî-ş her dijî êran bûn.
Those memories that I still remember in Mawat is Mojahedin, they were called Mojahedin-e Khalq. Mojahedin-e Khalq were also against Iran.
 46 Baregayekî zor zor gewreyan hebû, we daymen le hewłî ewe-ya bûn ke êma bixene xaney xoyanewe, êmey minałan be taybetî.
They had huge headquarters and they always tried to make us join them, especially children like us.
 47 Berdewam îş-yan le ser ewe ekird ke baregakeyan zor gewre bû, êste be gumirgekey Mawet be nawbange baregakeyan, eyanwîst ême berine layî xoyan.
They always worked on their aim to make us be on their side. They had huge headquarters that is now called the customs of Mawat. 
 48 Boya, yekek lew şitaney ke le bîrime; ême le ber ewey ke le rrûy keltûriyewe boman cuwan nebû/ neyan ehêşt ême biçîn bo dukanî vîdo û ewane w seyrî flîmî brruslî û çakşîan û emane bikeyn yan flîmî hindî ke zor hezman lêy bû be minałî.
So, one of those things that I remember; cause from our cultural point of view it was regarded inappropriate/ they didn’t allow us to go to video shops to watch films of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan and Indian movies that we liked a lot in our childhood.  
 49 Neyan ehêşt ewane bikeyn, boye zor be lamanewe xoş bû eger bêt û kesêk pêy biwutînaye were seyrî vîdo ke.
They didn’t allow us to do it that is why we were very happy if someone invited us to watch videos.
 50 Carêk bangyan kirdîn, wutyan hemû minałanî mektebekey Mawet ba bên layî ême seyrî vîdo ken.
Once they asked us, they invited all the children from Mawat school to come and watch videos with them.
 51 Îtir ême-ş zor diłman xoş bû, wutman tewaw, îtir ewe ême eçîn seyrî vîdo ekeyn, be tekîd, ewe/ ebê flîmî brruslî û flîmî hindî û emaneman bo lêyen.
We were very happy, we thought this is it, we are going to watch Bruce Lee films and Indian films.
 52 Ke çûyn seyr ekeyn ew flîmey ke lêyan eya tenha bo ewe bû ke ême le rrûy aydolociyewe wa lêbken yekem, dij be êran bîn, duwem peywendî bikeyn be Mucahîdînewe lanî kem wekû bîr û bawerr û emane.
When we got there, we then realised that the reason they played films for us was just to mobilise us ideologically to first, make us be against Iran and secondly to join the Mojahedin at least ideologically.
 53 Boye ew flîmey ke lêyan eya flîmî azayetî xoyan bû.
That is why the film they played to us was all about their bravery.
 54 Ehatin jinekanyan çon şerr eken legeł pazdaranî êran-a, çon le şwênan teqleyan eya û çon tedrîbî qursyan ekird, jin û piyawyan û çon/.
How bravely their female militants fight Iranian soldiers, how they do hard military and acrobatic trainings, how their women and men/.
 55 Bir û bawerryan wa bû ke guwaye ebê jin û piyaw ebê be yekewe şerr ken û be yekewe xebat ken û emane, le ber ewe dayimen têkeł bûn hîç muşkîleyekyan nebû.
Their thoughts were that women and men should fight and battle beside each other, that is why they were always mixed and went without troubles. 
 56 Eyanewîst ew çore fîkrane-ş ba ême binasênin we lay ême xoşewîstî ken.
They wanted to introduce such ideas to us and make us approve them.  
 57 Îîtir bem şêweye jyanî minałîm le Mawet. Bełê çend sałek bû bełam ew sałane bo min duway jyanî gewrey-şim ta rradeyek pêk hêna, yeʕnî zehmetî kird.
In this way I spent my childhood life in Mawat. Though it was just a couple of years, those years shaped my future life to some extent, I mean it made it harder. 
 58 Zor lew şitaney ke ew kate le jyanma, yeʕnî lew kate-ya le jyanim le Mawet-a hembûwe   legełm-a gewre bûwe. Zor car tirseke legełm-a gewre bûwe ta temenêk tuwanîwme be ser-ya zał bim.
I grew up with many of those events that happened in my life at that time, I mean the life that I had in Mawat. For a long time, the fear grew up with me until a later age when I could control that fear. 
 59 Zor narreḥet bû, şerr karîgeryekî zor xirapî hebû le serim.
It was very hard. War had a very bad effect on me.
 60 Boye-ş le rrastiya ḥeta le, ewey ke/ namey diktorake ke nûsîwme pêşkeşî ekem be hemû ew sataney minałî xom ke le destim çûn be hoy şerrewe.
In fact, for this reason I even, the thing/ dedicate my doctoral dissertation that I just completed to my childhood life that I lost because of war. 
 61 We pêşkeşim kirdûwe be hemû satekanî hemû   minałêk ke wek min le cîhana, eh/ jîyanî le dest çûwe.
It was also dedicated to the life of every child in the world who just like me, er/ lost their childhood in life.  
 62 We tesewir ekem her kerîgerî naxoşî ew şerre bê ke le saykolocyay min-a mawetewe we hanî yawim ke, eh/ eger terrḥ bikem, yeʕnî hem/ yeʕnî hemû terrḥ û lêkołînewekanim bo aştî bêt eger tenanet xełkî-ş pêy naxoş bê.
I also think that the negative impact of war   remains in my psychology and even encouraged me, eh/ if I have had a dissertation, I mean all/ I mean to dedicate all my research to peace, even if some people wouldn’t approve it.
 63 Yan xełkanêk hebin min be baş lêknedenewe, çunkî min basî ewe ekem ke fîdrrałî çaresere bo emrro nek ciyabûnewe wek dewłet û emane.
There might be some people who misunderstand me because I argue that for today federalism is the solution not independent state and such things.
 64 Lewaneye ewe corêk le/ bes bo min aştî le hemû şitek giringtire we însan we qîmetî însan we nirxî însan lay min le hemû şitek gringtire.
This might be a kind of/ but for me peace is more important than anything else and humans and human value is important than anything else.  
 65 Boye, eh/ jîyanim çenêk naxoş bûbêt le minałîm-a be taybet le Mawet-a bełam hendê xałî xoşî-şî tiyabû le rrastî-ya.
Although, eh/ my life in my childhood was very unfortunate especially in Mawat but in fact there were some happy times as well. 
 66 Yakêk lew şitane ewe bû ke be bîrim dê her le pêncî seretayi-ya. Eh/ le hemû poleke-ya bes min derçûbûm. Eyanwit telebeyekî zîrek bûm û emane.
One of those things that I can remember was when I was at fifth class in elementary school. Er/ I was the only one in my class who passed the exams. They said that I was a smart pupil and such things.  
 67 Le hemû poleke-ya bes min derçûbûm. Îtir le ber ewey ke şermim ekird û le ser şerim perwerde bûbûyn; mamostake hate jûrewe komełê, çwar pênc mamosta bûn zor şermim lê ekirdin.
Among all the pupils I was the only one who passed the exams. Though, because I was too shy and we were raised this way; when a group of four or five teachers came in I felt too shy in front of them.
 68 Îtir wityan, ‘kê derçûwe, lem pole-ya?’. Nîwey sał bû, eh/ polî pêncî seretayî bûm.
They then asked, who has passed the exams in this class? It was at the middle of the school year, er/ I was in the fifth class of elementary school.
 69 Wełah, min derçûbûm bes destim hełnebirrî kesî tirî-ş derneçûbû ta dest hełbirrê. Le ber ewe wityan çon ebê lem pole-ya kes derneçûbê.
Actually, I had passed the exams but I didn’t raise my hand and no one else passed the exam to raise his hand. They then said how is it possible that no one in this class has passed the exams! 
 70 Îtir telebekan wityan mamosta fiłane kes deeçûwe û emanew. Îtir wityan ewe bo dest hełnebirrî.
Then the pupils said to the teachers that a person has passed the exams and such things. Then/ they asked to me the reason why I didn’t raise my hand.
 71 Witim wełay îtir, destim hełnebirrîwe w/. Îtir çepłeyan bo lê yam û zor zorim pê xoş bû.
I said I don’t know, I didn’t raise my hand and/. Then they all clapped me and I was very happy for that.
 72 Îtir ew sałe-ş yekem bûm wekû sałekanî pêşûm.
That year as well I was first of the class just like my previous years.
 73 Yekêk lew şitaney tirî-ş ke le bîrim mawe, eh/ eweye ke zor ḥezim le kitêb bû.
Another one of those things that I still remember, er/ is that I was very interested in books. 
 74 Eh/ tenanet rojêk hawrrêkanim teklîfyan lê kirdim her le mektebeke-ya le qatî dûwem. Qatî dûwem dergagey cîrabû. Nedetwanî biçîte qatî dûhem rrastewxo.
Er/ once my friends asked me for a favour about the second floor of the school. The door of the second floor was blocked. No one could go to the second floor directly. 
 75 Ebwaye, îtir nazanim/ pêm waye hendêk kitêb û şitî mexzenyan le qatî serewe danabû. Ew kate-ş mekteb wekû êsta nebû, pêwîstî bewe nebû ew hemû jûrane hebêt, le ber ewey ke telebe û şitman kem bû. Le ber ewe telebekan/
It was supposed, I don’t know/ I think some books and staffs from the cellar were put on the upper floor. Unlike today the schools of that time didn’t need to have all these types of rooms because there were only a few pupils and staff. That is why the pupils/.
 76 Hendê biraderman hebû dayme eçûne qatî serewe, nazanim boçîûne qatî serewe.
We had some friends who always went upstairs, I didn’t know why they went upstairs. 
 77 Rrojêkyan teklîfyan le min kird wityan îlla ebê to-ş bêyt bo qatî serewe. Îtir bewe hełyanxełetanim wityan kitêbî konî lêye le mexzeneke-ya, kitêbî way lêye to etwanî bîyanhênî.
One day they asked me to go upstairs with them. They then convinced me by saying that there are old books in the store, such books that you can take with you.
 78 Îtir minî-ş be rrastî bewe çûme serewe be dizî mamosta û hemû şitekanewe. Legeł telebekanî biraderm-a çûyne serewe.  
Then, in fact for that reason I went upstairs without letting the teachers and others know. I went upstairs with my school friends.
 79 Îtir lewê ewey ke hênam kitêbêkî mêjû bû be ʕerebî . Kitêbkanî xoman hemû kurdî bû.
Then what I brought from there was a historical book in Arabic. Our books were all in Kurdish. 
 80 Eh/ bełam ew kitêbey ke min hênam kitêbî mêjû bû be ʕerebî. Eh/ zor tamim lê kird be rrastî. Duwayî kitêbeke nemezanî çon hełîgrim çuke gewre bû.
Er/ but the book I brought was a book about history in Arabic. Er/ in fact I enjoyed it a lot. Later, I was struggling to hold the book because it was too big. 
 81 Zor be taybet şardimewe le naw kitêbekanî tir-a û duwayî-ş ke birdmewe małewe îtir be dayk û bawkî-ş-im her newit, biłêm kake ewe kitêbêkî awam hênawetewe, bełam zor temetuʕim lê ekird we zorî-ş karîgerî hebû le serim çunke, eh/ berawirdim ekird legeł nûsxe kurdîyeke-ya.
I hid the book among other books very carefully and later when I brought it back home I even didn’t tell my parents that I have brought such a book but I enjoyed it a lot and it had a lot of impact on me because, er/ I compared it with its Kurdish version.
 82 We/ lewe-ş, tenanet karîgerî hebû leser fêrbûnî ʕerebî û geşekirdinî zimanî ʕerebî le min-a.
And/ moreover; it even had impact on me to learn Arabic and to improve my Arabic.
 83 Îtir be giştî eme komełê çîrokî minałîye.
So, in general these are a number of stories of childhood.
 84 Be tekîd xoşî w naxoşî tîyaye bełam herçîyek bê min şanazî ekem bewey ke xełkî Mawetim we şanazî ekem bewey ke tuwanîwme bigeme ewey ke; ewey le minałîya bînîwme êsta hewił bem minałî tir neybînê.
For sure it has happy and unhappy stories but I’m proud to be from Mawat and proud that I could reach the point that; what I experienced in my own childhood to not let other children go through. 
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