K-028 Pertek, Turkey

 1 Pezê me hebû, yanê p’ir pezê me hebû, ç’ar sed pênc sed pezê me hebû.
We had sheep, that is, we had many sheep, we had four hundred five hundred sheep.
 2 Em teç’ûne zo/ ewkan çîyan.
We would go to/ to the mountains.
 3 Me penir ç’êdikir.
We would make cheese.
 4 Gundê me xwaş bû, em gundê xwe hez dikin.
Our village was pleasant, we like our village.
 5 Gundê me-jî gir e, dîyê me gir e, qelebelie-jî, merik p’ir in li gundê me.
Our village is large, our village is large, it is also crowded, there are many people in our village.
 6 Zêdetir niha miletê me ç’ûye ewkê, Almanyê, li Almanyê p’ir in.
Most of our people have now gone to Germany, they are many in Germany.
 7 Her havînê em li gund/ têne gund, dîyê xwe. Festîvalan tekin, şênlîgan tekin.
Each summer we come to the village, to our village. We have festivals, entertainment.
 8 Derdorê me-jî gund hene, dora me hene gund hene.
There are also villages around us, there are some villages around us.
 9 Gundê t’irk-jî hene yê kurmanca yê sunnî-jî alewî-jî hene li dora me.
There are both Turkish and Kurdish villages, Sunnite and Alewite villages around us.
 10 Yan zaroka/ em zaro bûn qiçik bûn, xwaş bû yanî, li gund mayîn xwaş bû.
We were kids, we were kids, that is, it was pleasant, staying in the village was nice.
 11 Me t’im li dihê me kurmancî qez dikir bi hev rra, nav malê me kurmancî qez dikir.
In the village we would always speak in Kurmanji with each other, at home we would speak in Kurmanji.
 12 Em em/ me xwand, em hatne bajaran, mekt’eban, me t’irkî p’aşê ho kir.
We studied, we came to the cities, to school, later on we learned Turkish.
 13 Li mekt’eb/ bajaran me t’irkî ho kir.
In town, we learned Turkish.
 14 Me zimanê xwe je bîr nekir.
We did not forget our language.
 15 Zimanê dîya xwa me je bîr nekir.
Out mother tongue, we did not forget it.
 16 Ko em ç’ûne dîyê xwe ç’ûne P’ertagê, t’im bi mala xwe rra dîya xwe rra bawê xwe rra ap’ê xwe rra xalt’îya xwe rra t’im giş bi hev rra kurmancî qezyan dikin/ tekin.
When we went to our village, we went to Pertag, always with our family, with our mother, with our father, with our uncle, with our aunt, we always speak in Kurmanji with each other.
 17 Gerek meri-jî wa ar bike, yanî zimanê xwe je bîr neke. Yanî / ema meri car caran vedigere ser ewkê, kurmancîya aqademîk, ew-jî ne îşê we ye her halde.
One must not be ashamed like that, that is, one should not forget one’s language. But one sometimes falls back on the academic Kurmanji, but I guess that’s not what you’re interested in.
 18 Zevîyê me hebûn, li ewkê, li dîyê me.
We had fields in/ in our village.
 19 Gelek/ p’irr zevîyê me hebûn.
We had many fields.
 20 Me genim diç’and.
We would sow wheat.
 21 Havînê ew îşte teç’inîn.
In summer, that is, they would harvest.
 22 P’at’os lê texistin.
They would thresh it.
 23 Genim me top dikir, ka top dikir, tebasande ewkan, telîsan.
We would collect the wheat, the hay, we would stuff them down into these, bags.
 24 Zivistanê me ew teda mîhan, biznan.
In winter we would give that to the sheep, to the goats.
 25 Em li mektebê derdik’etin, teç’ûne ber pêz, ber berxikan.
We would get out of school and we would go to herd the sheep, the lambs.
 26 Qayîtî wan tekir, ew diçêrandin, îşte derê ku çêre lê pirr e, me ew tebirin wan deran.
We would take care of them, we would graze them, that is, in the areas where there are many pastures, we would bring them to such areas.
 27 Me biharê kulîlk top tekirin, newrozê me gulik top tekirin.
We would collect flowers in spring. In Newroz we would collect flowers.
 28 Paşê em teç’ûne çîyan, çîyayê dersimê.
Then we would go to the mountains, to the mountains of Dersim.
 29 Sê mehan em li çîyan tesikinîn.
For three months we would stay in the mountains.
 30 Zor bû ema yanî, heta derekê em pa araban teç’ûn, paşê boydex deç’ûn, deç’ûne çîyan.
But it was very difficult, that is we would go by car up to a certain area, then we would go on foot, ‘boydax’, to the mountains.
 31 Boydax çi ye?
What is ‘boydax’?
 32 Boydax bi ningan yanê, arabe nediç’û.
‘Boydax’ means on foot, the car couldn’t go.
 33 Ewk hebû, qat’irê me hebûn, sê/ sê heb qat’irê me hebûn.
We had mules, we had three mules.
 34 Me mala xwe lan bar tekir, em teç’ûne çîyan, sê mehan li çîyan tesikinîn.
We would load our household on to them, we would go to the mountains, for three months we would stay in the mountains.
 35 Îşte rroyê du caran pez tedoşit/ tedoşin.
Twice a day they would milk the sheep.
 36 Ew şîra tekirne penîr.
That milk, they would make cheese out of it.
 37 Me ew penîre tekire ç’alikan, şeş saatan bi-rrê da em tihatine ser cadê, li wir îşte penîr tekirne mînîbûsê, tihate Xarp’ütê me tiha tefirot.
We would put that cheese into containers, for six hours we would be on the road. There they would put the cheese into the minibus, it would come to Xarput. We would come and sell it.
 38 Yanî p’irr zor bû, yanî, bi şevê em teç’ûne ber pêz, çîya zor bûn, kevir bû kuç bû her derek.
It was too difficult, that is, in the evening we would stay with the sheep, the mountains were very difficult. It was stones and rocks all around.
 39 P’ir tişt tihatne serê mereyan çîyan.
A lot of things would fall on us in the mountains.
 40 Sê mehan ku manse paşê dadik’etne ser cadê, pi arabê tihatne dê.
If we stayed for three months then we would come down on the road, we would come by car to the village.
 41 Disa deyndar bûn, t’im deyndar bûn, feqir bûn yanî.
Still they were indebted, always indebted, they were poor that is.
 42 Yanî ç’iqas îşte penirê te hebe-jî pezê te hebe-jî, îşte disa-jî feqîr-jî hebû yanî.
No matter what cheese you have, sheep you have, there was still poverty.
 43 Zivistanê hebekî rrehet dikirin, yanê zivistanê p’ir çêrandin t’une bû yanê.
In winter, they were a bit more comfortable. That is, in summer there was not much grazing.
 44 Berf barî ka didane cehe didane ewkê pêz.
It snowed, they would give hay, give barley to the sheep.
 45 Ema rihat bû zivistanê, ema bihari havîni zor bû yanî, yanî zarokatîya me.
But it was comfortable in winter, but in spring, in summer, it was difficult, that is, our childhood.
 46 Em zari bûn, em ber berxkan, li ber seêl, em berxkan dibên seêl, li ber seêl em ew dibûn, dilîstin, bi hev rra dilîstin, ber selê.
We were children, while taking care of the lambs, the lambs we call them ‘berx’ and ‘sexel’, we would play, together, we would play, always while taking care of the lambs.
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