S-054 Choman, Iraq

 1 Beserhatêçî xom û braderekanit lo ecêrimewe.
I will tell a story about me and some friends.
 2 Tebʕen le dewrû/ le sałekanî newet bû, wezî Kurdistan be ʕam nexoj bû, xelik feqîr bû.
During the 1990s, the situation in Kurdistan was generally bad, the people were poor.
 3 Îdî eme șînayîn ekir, șînayîn ekir le derewey șarî yaʕnî le beynî gûnd û șar mentîqeyek hebû pê egûtra/ pê/ pê egûtra mezra.
So we created green areas, we created them outside the city, that is, between the village and the city there was an area of countryside.
 4 Îdî le mezirayê șînayîn ekir, pêwîst bû îdî șînayî aw bideyn û welʕasil dî be nobet bû.
In the countryside we would plant greenery, we took turns to water the plants.
 5 Careçyan nobetî biraderekim bû, îdî eminyan nardime dû awê. Îdî dêraw bû. Nazanim to tê egêy le qisekanim?
Once it was my friend’s turn, and they sent me to inspect the water. That is, to check the irrigation system, I don’t know, do you understand what I’m saying?
 6 Ê zor çak e, îdî nobêtê wî bû, emîș, gotî emin […] biro dû awê.
That is very good, then it was his turn, he said to me, go and check the water.
 7 Îdî welʕasil eminîș çûme dû awê-w bendawim kirdewe-w wextayeçî kabrayeçî bitemen hat û kabrayeçî zor yanî kesayetî bû, meʕqûl bû xelik rêzî lê egirt û […] îdî eme-ș taze mêrmindał bûyn û {ebwaya} be tefahum welʕasil aw kûy heba awin berdabawa.  
So, I went to check the water and unblocked the dam and at some point an old man came, he was a reputable man, highly respected by the people and […] but we were adolescents and were inconsiderate, we would let water in.
 8 Îdî ew-îș hat-û nenezanî çi-bikeyn, em-îș pêm got le binawanê kabrayeçî dîke heye hemû awî berdaytewe, etû waz le mi bîne, yaʕnî ême leber ewey kitskeyn e-w desthełatit heye le ser eme we-eme iʕtiramit egirîn û ew babetane.
And he came and we didn’t know what to do, and I said, there’s another man at the source, he has unblocked all of the water, leave us alone, we are young and you have power over us, we respect you, and such things.
 9 Îdî, awê nadeye me. Îdî be fêł ewim rewaney șwênekî tir kir, dûr bû, teqrîben du çîlometir bû.
That is, don’t give us any more water. So, through trickery I sent the man to another place, far away, it was about two kilometres.
 10 Kabirat rewaney wênder kird?
You sent the man there?
 11 Kabiram rewaney wênder kird û îdî ke ewa xełik dat, îdî weziʕ baș nebû. Xełik dat lo xo șînayiyê aw bida. Îdî kabram rewaney binawaney kird û be diro, rastî-ș nebû, yadî bexêr.
I sent the man there and other people went there, the situation wasn’t good. The people came to water their own green areas. Then I sent the man to the source by lying, it wasn’t even true.
 12 Îdî ke çû wênder û dîtbûy kes lewê nîye-w, îdî aw her wekû xoyetî. Hatewe-w min xom bizir kir.  
So when he went there he saw that there was nobody there, that the water was just as it is. Then he came back and I hid.
 13 Wekû her yaʕnî çî pê ełên, wekû cwên cwên ne, bełam tûrre bû lêm, îdî nobet awê mi-ș nebû û hemû șite xirabekan lo ew biraderey min becê ma.    
Like, how shall I say, not like swearing, but he was very angry at me, but since it was not my turn to water, all the bad things happened to that friend of mine.
 14 Le ser ew ʕisab bûwe?
It was blamed on him?
 15 A le ser ew ʕisab bûwe. Min xom lê derbas kird û welʕasil ew tektîkem kir. Li ʕeynî roj kabrayeçî tir hat, sepanî aẋey gûndî bû.
Yes, it was blamed on him, I escaped. So, I played a trick. The same day another man came, he worked for the village head man.
 16 Sepanî aẋe-y gûndî bû, îdî ewîș eywîst șînahiyê aw bida-w em-îș legeł ew biraderey {xwem}, hate wê dî qisey kird û gotî kaka min pîr im û wazim lê bînin, ewe engo gendz in etwanin ḥefteyî dahatû, rojeçî dîke șînayîyê aw biden û be her ḥal.    
He worked for the village head man, so he also wanted to water his plants and I was with my friend, he came there and said, “Boys, I am old, leave me alone, you are young, anyway, you can come next week, on another day to water the plants another day, next week.
 17 Îdî em-îș legeł ewim/ legeł ewe piyawey, leber ewey kiçî hebûn,
So I, with this man, since he had daughters,
 18 Kiçî cuwanî hebûn?
He had beautiful daughters
 19 Kiçî cuwanî hebûn, min-îș be braderekey xom got, nawî **** bû, gotim **** wazî lê bîne, rast eka ew, eme etwanîn rojeçî dîke bêynewe-w birro biçîn șînayîyekî lo aw deyn û feqet lo ewey bitsîne ewê.
He had beautiful daughters, and I said to my friend, he was called ****, I said, ****, leave it, he is right, we can come back another day, let’s go and water his plants for him, and this was just so we could go there.
 20 Kiçe cuwanî hebû, sepanî aẋey bû, welasil ew biraderem zor tûrre bûbû.  
He had beautiful daughters, he worked for the village head man, in the end my friend got very angry.
 21 Zor tûrre bû, her eywêst, ewe/ hedefî wî bû șînayî aw bida, em-îș legeł kabrayî sepan dî miʕawelem ekird legeł biraderekey xom, m-egot ebî tû awê bidey, waz lê bîne, waz lê bîne etû ḥeftey dahatû were, rojeçî dîke da were.
He got very angry, he wanted to water the plants, but I was with this other worker, against my friend, saying, you must give him the water, leave it, leave it, you can come back next week, you can come another day.
 22 […] baran barîn çon bû? Baran kem ebarî ew maweye?
How was the rain then? Was it not raining enough at that time?
 23 Be giștî baran kem bû, îdî coyek hebû xełik hełîbestibû, be nobet șînayiyan aw eda, ca ewe yadigariyeçî […].
In general there was very little rain, there was a channel, which the people had built, they would take turns to water the plants, and this is my memory.
 24 Ca șînayiyan zor bû, xełkeke?
So did the people have a lot of greenery?
 25 Tebʕen șînayî zor bû, hemû xełik terkîzî le ser șînayiyê ekir.
Naturally, there was a lot of greenery, everyone was concentrating on the greenery.
 26 Çîyan {erriwand}?
What would they plant?
 27 Îdî temate bû, xîyar bû, kûdû bû, le beharan zû heta serdemî cozerdan û duwa cozerdan-îș êdî genim û co bû. Îdî co mał ekira beharan zû, coyan xawên ekirdewe.
They had tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergines, from early Spring to Autumn, and later in Autumn there was wheat and barley. The channel would be cleaned in early Spring, they would clean the channel.
 28 Ey bergûmeke ewene zor bû beșî xoyan bika-w lê bifroșin û guzernî pêda biken?
Was there enough produce for themselves and also to sell? So they could make a living out of it?
 29 Yaʕnî be giștî, xełçî ew mentîqeye jîyanî baștir bû, be berawird legeł xełçî naw șarî. Çunke xełkekanî ew mentîqe/ xelçî ew mentîqeyî șînayiyan ekir, felaḥiyan ekir, welʕasil dahatêçyan hebû. Hem lo zustanê-w hem lo hawîna-ș.
Well, in general, life in this area was better compared to the people in the city. Because the people in this area would plant greenery, work on farms, they had some income. Both for the winter and the summer.
 30 Ew wextî-ș wezʕî Kurdistanî be ʕam giranî bû, xełik qeyranî darayî hebû le Kurdistanî be ʕam.
In that period, the situation in Kurdistan was generally expensive, people were experiencing a financial crisis in Kurdistan.
 31 Her lew șînayiye-w zirîʕete jinan-îș îșyan ekird, yan le malewe bûn?
In this planting or farming, did the women also work, or were they at home?
 32 Tebʕen, îdî herawizî hebû, îdî xełik yarmetî yektirî eda, jinan binkołyan ekird, temateyan lê ekirdnewe legeł piyawan, îdî hawkarî-w herewizî ew katî zor zor bû be beramber êsta.  
Naturally, there was communal work, people would help each other, the women would plough, they would pick tomatoes, with the men, cooperation and communal work was very, very common then compared to now.
 33 […] le zistane ke și/ șinayî nebû çîtan ekird?
What about Winter, what would you do when there was no greenery?
 34 Îdî le zistana çin ekir, mebestit?
What do you mean by what were we doing in Winter?
 35 Yaʕnî be çî we meșẋûł bûn?
That is, what were you busy with?
 36 A be çî-we mișẋûł bûn, îdî xełik lêk xir ebûwe, daenîștin û le ber sobey daran û îdî xełke qedîmekan aʕa, dî ba șewçere-w cwîz û mêwij û ewaneyan daeda, çay reș û ketrî le ser sobey kipey da […]
Oh, what we were busy with, well the people would come together, they would sit by the wood stove and the old folks would come, and would offer fruit, walnuts and raisins and such things, black tea and the teapot on the stove would boil […]
 37 […] Îdî bas hêndek beserhatî qedîm we tał, ḥekayêt
Well they would tell ancient and sad stories, tales,
 38 Xoj bû wela,
It was nice
 39 Xoj bû. Her çende bo min, tebʕen bo m-iș zor xoj bû, bełam ew katî emin kiçke bûm.
It was nice. Of course it was nice for me too, but back then I was a kid.
 40 Çêjî me zîyatir legeł mendałan bû, geme-w ew babetana eçûyne derewe, bełam car û bar eme-ș lew medrîsana ḥuzûrman hebû.
Our fun was more with the other kids, playing and such things, going out, but sometimes we were also at those gatherings.
 41 Ey baș e, jin û jinxwazî-w emane çwan bû? Wekû ʕirf û ʕadatî ewê?
Good, then how was it asking for a woman from her family? Like with the traditions and customs?
 42 ʕadat û teqalîdî wê, bo xot ezanî..
The customs and traditions of there, you know…
 43 Çi, çîyan ekird, çwan destyan pê ekird?
What did they do, how would they start?
 44 Îtir, kiç û kurrek lo xoyan qise ekirdin be dizî, pêștir, duwatir ewey ke razî ebûn her dû la-w.  
Well, first the boy and the girl would talk to each other secretly, and when both sides consented.
 45 Yekem car jinan eçûn? Mewzûʕyan ekirdewe?
Did the women go first? did they start things?
 46 Na yekem car yaʕnî dû șekił hebûn: yekem cara be dizî kurekey le rêgey kiçekewe kiçeçî welʕasil edozîyewe-w qisey legeł ekird û duway ewey ke telefon nebû namekarî bû.
No, first, well there were two ways: first, the boy would find himself a girl through the mediation of another girl, and would talk to her, and since there were no telephones he would write a letter.
 47 Îdî namey xoșewistî-w yan peyamyan lo yêktirî enard û ke derfet ebû, êktiryan edît. Ca le ser kanîye jinan ba, welʕasil cêyek ebû.
So they would write love letters or messages to each other, and when they had a chance, they would see each other. This could be at the fountain that the women liked to visit, somewhere would be found.
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