K-060 Karlıova, Turkey

 1 *** bira heger tu ḥazirî carek din em ê ji xwe re soḥbetekê bikin, çend deqîqan?
Brother *** if you are ready we chat together again for a few minutes?
 2 Erê mamoste bipirse.
Yes sir, ask.
 3 Gelek saẋ bî, nihe tabî mirov dikare baḥsa xwe-w zarokatiya xwe bike, hûn ji ku bûn, hûn li ku diman, ji ku çûn wa çan, bav û kalên we, an qala zarokatiya xwe, ʕirf û ʕadetê xwe, meselen daʕwet û filan bêvan, çi ji dilê te bê, em dikarin wiha suḥbetekê bi hev re bikin.  
Many thanks, well of course you could talk about yourself and your childhood, where you are from, where you lived, how you went there, your family, or talk about your childhood, your customs and traditions, for instance weddings and such things, whatever you feel like, we can have a chat together.
 4 Wele mamoste piçûkiya xwe, ez qala wî ji te ra bikim.
Well sir, I’ll tell you about my childhood.
 5 Belê.
 6 Em piçûk bû çen ḥeb hevalê me hebû di gund da, em sibê zû radibû diçû derva me xwe xiș dikir li ser berfê, ḥeya êvarê karê me ew-û.
We were young, we had a few friends in the village, we used to wake up early, go out and ski on the snow, this was our work until the evening.
 7 Li dû-wî da em dihat mal, em radiket, sivê cardi eynî tișt bû.
Then we used to come back home to sleep, and in the morning it was the same thing again.
 8 Dema zarokatiya we de lisk/
When you were children, did you play/
 9 Me gêj/ me gêj/ Me gêjgerrik dilîst, ondan sonra/
We would play “gêjgerik”, then/
 10 Gêjger çi ye?
What is “gêjger”?
 11 Gêjgerrik, ew mixê hespa me li serî dixist, darkî ha topik çêdikir, mixê berxa, nigê hespa me li serî dixist, bi ben tu li wî mixê digerinî dawê ser cemedê digerînî. Digere li dora hev.
“Gêjgerik”- we put a horseshoe nail on a curved stick and attached a horseshoe to the end of it, we would wrap a thread around the nail, then throw it on the ice, and it spins.
 12 Digere?            
It spins?                    
 13 Ee jê re dibê gêjgerrik.
Yes, we call it “gêjgerik.”
 14 Gêjgerrik
 15 Ondan sonra, me bilya dilîst, me bișkov dilîst wê çaẋê da.
Then, we used to play marbles, we used to play “bișkov” back then.    
 16 Bișkov tiștek çawa ye?
What kind of thing is “bișkov”?
 17 Bișkov, wan bișkovê meriv li çakêta xwe dixin,
“Bișkov”, those buttons that on jackets,
 18 Erê.                         
 19 Me dadina ʕerdê me bîlya li ser wan dilîst.
We used to put them on the ground, we used to play marbles with them.
 20 Aha, bîlya li ser wan dilîst
Aha, you play with marbles with them
 21 Bîlya me wê çaxê pir nebû çunku pere tine-wû em feqîr bûn, ber wî me pișkov dilîst.  
Back then we did not have many marbles, we had no money, we were poor, that’s why we used to play with buttons.
 22 Pișkov dilîst.         
You play with buttons.
 23 Hûn, malbata we meselen çend kes in? Bavê we, mala we bi çi ve, em bêjin debar, gêçima xwe dikin?
How big is your family? Your father, your family, what do they do?
 24 Wele em di gundê Bîngolê da, em gundê Qarlovê da rûdinin,
Well, we live in a village near Bingol, in a village called Qarlova,
 25 Qarlova?
 26 Ee, gund ḥemû giș bi hev ra ḥeywanciliẋê mêze diki. Birê mi jî giș ḥeywanciliẋê mêze diki. Nav da mi birê mi tenê xwendîye.
Yes, the whole village works in stockbreeding. All my brothers work in stockbreeding. I’m the only one among my brothers who has studied.
 27 Em ji havîna teri gund û zivistana jî wexta meyteb vedibe em tê îșê xwo dikin.
In summer we go to the village and in winter when school opens we go and study.
 28 Gundê we, gundek çawa ye, çiya ye, deșt e?
What is your village like? Is it mountainous or plain?
 29 Gundê me pêșiya wî deșt i, para wî çiya yi, çiyayê wî-j pir mezin e. Warê me tihere heya ber Erzurmê.
Our village is flat at the front, with a very big mountain behind it. Our highlands reach up to Erzurum.
 30 Yanî meriv here wara, meri Erzirumê, gund da Kox Daẋî heye, güneșin doẋuși xweș tê seyr kirin. Milet havîna gelek ji Awrûpayê jî tê seyr dikin.
That is, if you go to the highlands, if you go to Erzurum, in the village there is the Kox mountain, and watching the sunrise there is beautiful. In summer, many people come from Europe to watch it.
 31 Gundê me gir i, xwaș e ḥeywanciliẋ e.
Our village is nice and big, and they breed livestock.
 32 Çi ḥeywan mesele li gund de hene?
What kind of animals are there in the village?
 33 Ê me mî ne, mî, bizin pir hindik in. Mî ni, dewar jî hindiki, en pirê wî mî yi. Gundê me gir i/  
We have sheep, and a few goats. There are sheep, and there are also some cattle, but mainly sheep. Our village is big/
 34 Te șivantî kiriye?
Have you worked as a shepherd?
 35 Ee, mi șivantî kiriye.
Yes, I have worked as a shepherd.
 36 Tu navê mîhan dizanî? Meselen, em bêjin çeșitleri, an bizinan, an ḥeywanan?
Do you know the name of the sheep? That is, the breeds, or goats, or animals?
 37 Na ez tam nizanim, ez sorbelek, reșbelek ew heye ez wan dizanim, weki di ez navê miya tam/ mi tam șivanî nekirî, birê mi șivan bû, min yekcar ew deyîș dikir, dișand mal.    
No I don’t know exactly, there are “sorbelek”, “reșbelek”, I know those, otherwise the names of the sheep exactly/ I didn’t really work as a shepherd, my brother was a shepherd, I would sometimes stand in for him, and send him home.
 38 Rojek mi deyîș kir, mi șand mal, gere raa di cardi bihata ber pêz.
One day I covered for him, I sent him home, and he was supposed to come back to herd the sheep the next day.
 39 Îja raa din mi êvarî telefûn kir, mi go tu li ku yî? Go: e-l qazê me, go ez îșev nayême. Wê șevê moralê mi pir xirav bû.    
So the next evening I called him and said, where are you? He said, I’m in town, I won’t be coming back tonight. That night I was very angry.
 40 Ez wê șevê jî di ber di mam, neyse bêriya ji mi re ciẋare tev kirin ez wê șevê jî di mam me pezê xwa rakir hevalkî mi-j hebû, em gere êvarî biçiwa hindaye.
That night I stayed with the sheep, the milkmaids rolled cigarettes for me, I stayed, and with a friend of mine, led the sheep, and took care of them in the night.
 41 Hevalê mi gelek ji mi dür ket, û k’erê me/ parxana mi, kulavê min nonê mi gi li ser k’erê bû, k’erê mi jî wenda bû, wê da çü.
My friend ended up very far away from me and our donkey/ my clothes, my food, everything was on the donkey’s back, and my donkey got lost, it strayed off.
 42 Șillî jî hindik mayî bibare, ez pir tirsiyam, çünkî pezê xelkê ye, ez mîvan bûm ber da.
And it was about to rain, I was very afraid, because they were somebody else’s sheep, I was a guest taking care of them.
 43 Mi tilefûnê hevalê xwa kir, hevalê ji mi dür bû, k’era mi tunebû û mi dû ra mêze kir, tișkî reș di ser çiyê da derbas bû.    
I called my friend, they were far away from me, my donkey was not around and later on I looked, and something black was moving on the mountain.
 44 Mi go kesîn va k’erê min e, mi pez wê da ber bi/ k’erê ber bi wî alî bir bir bir mi mêze kir k’erê min e, kêfa mi teze hat șûnê.
I said, surely that’s my donkey, and I took the herd to that side (of the mountain), toward the donkey, I looked and it was my donkey, I was happy.
 45 A sivê jî me pez anî bêriyê, birê mi hat, ez ji wê derê hatim mal.
In the morning we brought the sheep in for milking, my brother arrived, I returned home.
 46 Xweş. Derbarê zarokatiyê da, an jî wa demê șivantiya, tiștek meselen yan jî çîrokek, serpêhatiyek bê bîra te, tu dișêy ji me ra bêjî mesele? An jî derbarê mala xwe, zarokatiya xwe, xwandina xwe mesele?
Good. About your childhood, or about those times you worked as a shepherd, something, for instance or a story, an adventure, if you remember, can you tell us? Or about your family, your childhood, your studies for instance.
 47 Wele mi maʕlimî kir du sala, ücretli öretmenlik, rojek qaymaqamkî hat, qaymaqam hat meytevê.
Well, I worked as a teacher for two years, substitute teaching. One day, a district governor came, the governor came to the school.
 48 Se ḥev ögrenciyê mi, xwandina wa tunewû, nizanîwû bixwandana. Mi ew ḥer sê walî kir, da alî ters, mi go qaymaqam bira ji vana soriya nepirsi, en dû ra were cem wana.
Three of my students couldn’t read, they didn’t know how to read. I took those three to one side, so that the governor wouldn’t ask them questions, so that he would get to them at the very end.
 49 Qaymaqam di sinifê da tûrkî avêt hat cem wan sikinî. Ji qîzkê re go, qîzka mi bixûni! Mi go, hocam ew nezani.
The governor had a stroll around the classroom, came by them and stopped. He said to a girl, my daughter, start reading! I said, sir, she doesn’t know.
 50 Go, lawê mi tu bixûni! Mi go, ew jî nizani. Go qîza mi tu bixûni! Mi go, ew jî nizani.
He said, read, my son! I said, he doesn’t know (how to read) either. He said, read, my daughter! I said, “she doesn’t know either.”
 51 Go, qe kes nizane di vê dera da bixûni?! –
He said, does anybody know how to read here?
 52 Belê *** dewam ke.
Yes, *** continue.
 53 Mi go hocam, mi, vana ḥarsê nizani, mi go, mi vana ayri daniye, ez vana ayri rava vana didim, pê dersê biʕelimin.
I said, sir, these three don’t know (how to read), I said, I have separated them, I teach them separately, so that they can learn.
 54 A di wê derê de jî tișkî ha di serê mi da derbas bû.  
So that kind of thing happened to me there.
 55 Te awa ciyê kenî te got.
Did you say the funny part?
 56 Ee.                        
 57 Temam mala te ava. Peki ***, mala we hûn çend kes in?
Okay, thanks a lot. Very well, ***, how many are there in your family?
 58 Mala me, em ḥeft kes in. Pênc bira ni, du xwu, heșt kes daha doǧrusu. Pên bira, du xwu tew diya min i. Bavê mi miriyi.
In our family, there are seven of us. Five brothers, two sisters, or rather, eight. Five brothers, two sisters and my mother. My father is dead.
 59 Serê we saẋ be.
My condolences.
 60 Xwedê ji te razî bi. Birê mi di gund da ne, yek li İstembulê ye, ê din-a di gund da ne, ḥeywanciliẋê dikin.
Thank you. My brothers are in the village, one is in Istanbul, the others are in the village, they work in stockbreeding.
 61 Wergî di jî e, ev wale tișt tune.
Apart from that, there is nothing else.
 62 Tu li gund mezin bûyî? Mala we her li gund e?
Did you grow up in the village? Is your house in the village?
 63 Mi heya dördüncü sinifê li gund xwand. Li dû wê ez çûm Yîbo*, Yîbo nêzîkî gundê me bû, sê kîlometre dûr bû.
I studied in the village until the fourth grade. Then I went to YIBO, YIBO was near our village, it was three kilometers away.
 64 Mi sê sala jî li wir xwend. Li dû wû ez çûm Meletyê, mi lîse li Meletyê xwand.  
I studied there for three years. Then I went to Malatya, I went to high school in Malatya.
 65 Ji dû wî jî ez çûm Wanê, mi unîversîte li Wanê xwand. Li dû wê ez du sê sala boș bûm, ez çûm Îstambûlê xewitîm.
Then I went to Van, I studied at the university in Van. Then I was unemployed for two years, I went to Istanbul and worked.
 66 Tu li Yîboyê tu mayî?! Tu çend sala.
Did you stay in YIBO? How many years.
 67 Ee, sê sala, mi Yîboyê da xwand.
Yes, three years, I studied in YIBO.
 68 Bîra te Yîbo tê? Hatɪrlɪyor musun yanî?    
Do you remember YIBO? Do you remember it?
 69 Ee, pir yanî tiștê wer ewk nayê bîra mi de, tê bîra mi yanî, xwendina mi, doksan dokuz ew de me dixwend.
Yes, that is, I do not remember many things, but I do remember my studies, I studied there in ’99.
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