K-029 Kâhta, Turkey

 1 Ez-ê niha qalê mala Ḥesqera bikim.
Now I will talk about the Hesqer family.
 2 Me ra diwên malê Ḥesqera.
They call us the Hesqer family.
 3 Malê Ḥesqera em di nav Îzola da mîna malmezina, mîna malek bêlli tên zanîn.
The Hesqer family within the Izol (tribe) is known as a major family.
 4 Xelk merivan nas dike, lê mêrê me t’ine ne.
People know them, but we do not have many men in the family.
 5 Sewê ku mêrê me tine wüne me ra gotine nîv aẋa ne, malê me t’am ne aẋa ne.
Because we did not have men, they called us as half aghas, our family are not aghas.
 6 Heyîna me p’ir wüye lê sewê ki mêrê me t’ine ne me nikarî ki em destê xwe de bihêlin.
We had many possessions but because we do not have men, we were not able to keep them.
 7 Bapîrê bavî mi Miḥemedê Ḥesqera li Gexta Kevin, niha bi t’irkî diwên “Eski K’exte”, li Gexta Kevin bölük êminî wîye.
My father’s grandfather, Muhammed of Hesqer, in the old Gekht, now in Turkish they call it “Eski Kexte”, he was a “bölük êminî”.
 8 Bölük êminî, yanî êd dên rrmîna t’eze mîna belediye başqani, wir diwên qal dikin.
“Bölük êminî” is like the mayor nowadays, that is what they call it, how they talk about it.
 9 Miḥemedê Ḥesqera p’irî zengîn wîye lê bire mirê xwe tine wîne, merîyê malê Silêman begê wîye di îzola da, birê xwe tine wüne.
Muhammed of Hesqer was very rich but he did not have any brothers, he was a relative of Suleiman Beg, among the Izols, he did not have brothers.
 10 Diwên ki Ḥecî beg, Ḥecî beg bapîrê Dengîr Firat, ki dihat Gexta Kevin, her k’es li ber rradiwü ser niga, bapîrê mi Meḥemedê Ḥesqer rranediwü ser.
They say that Hadji Beg, Hadji Beg, the grandfather of Dengir Firat, when he came to the old Gekht, everyone would stand up in front of him, my grandfather Muhammed of Hasqar would not stand up.
 11 Digo “tu ḥecî begî e-jî Meḥemedê Ḥesqera me.” Xwa lê danedixist, wê gavê.
He would say “if you are Hadji Beg I am Muhammed of Hasqar.” He would not bow for him, back then.
 12 Bê wê jî, mesela ê diwên ku bapîrê mi digot, wextê ki hatin ber camîyê Gextê, camîyê Gextê orta gund e, em bên meydana gund e, rrastik e,
Apart from that, for instance, they say that my grandfather would say, when they came in front of the mosque of Gekht, the mosque of Gekht is in the middle of the village, it is the square of the village, the flat area,
 13 digot ke hatin ber camîyê Gextê “bira dehe peyê li dü mi biwîne ku ew biwüne ki çito meri bi destikî dinê zept dikîye.”
he would say, when they arrived in front of the mosque of Gekht, “let (him) see ten men behind me so that he sees how one can seize the world with one hand.”
 14 Wek î mêr wîye jî, diwên ki dijminê ewê bîye, wê gavê ew û Osmanê Ḥeco Eḥmed dijminê hev wüne.
He was also a brave man, it is said that he was the enemy of/ back then, he and Osman of Hadjo Ahmad were enemies.
 15 Osmanê Ḥeco Eḥmed î Ç’ingilî ye, diwên ki mesela wir diwên, diwên ki peyayê wan hewüne ê me tine wüne.
Osman of Hadjo Ahmad is from Çingilis, it is said, for instance, it is said so, they had men but we did not.
 16 Ema bapîrê mi disa jî ku diçü ser xanîyê xwa havînê rrüdinişt cihê xwa dikirin, ciẋare bi ciẋare vêdixist, sewê ki arê ciẋarê va biwînin sewê ki newên rrevîye k’etîye xanîyê xwa.
But still when my grandfather would go to his house in the summer, he would sit comfortably on his bed, light cigarettes with cigarettes, so that they see the light of the cigarette and so that they would not think that he had run away and that they won’t enter his house.
 17 Ḥeta nîvî şevê ciẋara xwa vedixist, paşê jî balîvê xwa dikir nav cîya, dadik’et jêr, di xanîyê xwa da dik’et xew.
Till midnight he would light his cigarette, then he would put his pillow into his bed, lie down and sleep inside his house.
 18 Sewê ki mêrê wan tine ne, bapîrê mi çûye, wê gavê Ḥes Towsî pê rra diwên, hin diwên gewendeyê Towsîyê wüye, ew kur murê wî p’ir wüne, ewna dane paş xwa, milk milk daye wan.
Because they did not have men, my grandfather – and back then there was a certain Hes Towsi, some say that he was the “gewende” (wedding musician) of Towsi, he had many sons and so on – he took them under his control, gave them fields.
 19 Zaten van salê paşîn jî bavî min wan û apanê mi apî mi wan p’ir li hev nekirin li ser av mavê, me hevdu da meḥkemê.
During the last years too, my father and my uncles did not agree much on water issues, we took the case to trial.
 20 Zaten wana jî diwêne ki meselê me da li gund bar kirine çüne Edenê, wê gavê wê çaẋê.
They say that they left the village behind and migrated because of us, that is, back then.
 21 Malê Ḥesqera, bapîrê mi-w birayê xwa, di biray wî wüne, pênc şeş xwengê wan hewüne.
The Hasqar family, my grandfather and his brothers, he had two brothers, they had five or six sisters.
 22 Xwenga gotine “em-ê milkê xwa bidin ʕevdê.”
The sisters said “we will give our fields to Awde.”
 23 ʕevd bapîrê mine, birê çük e, pênc xweynga şün da ew büye.
“Awde” is my grandfather, he is the younger brother, he was born after the five sisters.
 24 Ḥeta diwên ki ḥeta ḥeft sali p’orê wî nebirrîne, guhar kirine guhê wî, her sal jî pê rre qurbanek kirine ki nemire.
They even say that until he was seven years old they did not cut his hair, they put earrings in his ear, and also every year they sacrificed an animal so that he did not die.
 25 Mêrê me tine wüne wê çaẋê.
We did not have men back then.
 26 Bapîrê mi biray xwa jî li ser ʕerda lev natine.
My grandfather and his brothers also did not agree on land issues.
 27 Birayî bavî mi bi sala yî gir wüye, diwên ki, xêr guneh li stûyê wî, xumar lîstîye, xumar lîstîye, ʕerd merd p’ere mere p’ir di xumarê dane.
My father’s brother was some years older, they say, the good and sins be on him, he gambled, he gambled, and he spent a lot of money and fields on gambling.
 28 T’ev wê çaẋê diwên ki aẋê Mirdêsa Nürî aẋa Şükrî axa va va dane pîşîya xwa çüne hêlê çîyayê bêlli, ew kirine, pezê Qezaza rrevandine.
They even say back then the aghas of the Mirdes Nuri agha and Shukri agha took this one with them to a certain mountain, and did something, stole sheep from the Qazaz.
 29 Qezaz k’î-ye? Qezaz Îzol e, ê em jî Îzoli ne.
Who are the Qazaz? Qazaz are Izol, and we are also Izol.
 30 Ki va çüye wê derê, lê nirrîye, şivan girê dane pez dane pîşîya xwa birine hêla Urfayê firotine.
When they went there, they looked around, tied up the shepherd, took the sheep in front of them and took them to Urfa and sold them.
 31 Şivan paşê ki hina dîne, vekirine, gotine ki îşte “kî wü?” diwê “lawê Miḥemedê Ḥesqera hatîye em girê dane pezê me birîye.”
Then the shepherd, some people saw him, untied him, and asked “who were they?” he says “the son of the Muhammed of Hasqar came and tied us and took away our sheep.”
 32 Dewletê xistine van mesela, dewletê jî ban bapîrê me kirîye.
They engaged the state in these issues, and the state summoned my grandfather.
 33 Bapîrê mi jî, îşte bapîrê bavî mi Miḥemedê Ḥesqera xewera xwa lê büye ki lawikê çüye tiştkî wa kirîye tev li vê meselê büye.
My grandfather, that is, the grandfather of my father, Muhammed of Hasqar, got the news that the boy had been and done such a thing and got into this issue.
 34 Diwê ki ḥeqîwa xwa t’iji zêr kir li mal derk’et wexta ki banê kirin, çü, ew dêhnê wî pezî gi wî da, ê ki xwa ra jî birin, Şükrî aẋa Nürî aẋa wan bir hêla ewê bir firoti xwarin.
They say he filled his saddlebag with gold and got out of the house, went and paid the whole price for the sheep, even that of those which Shukri agha and Nuri agha took there and sold and ate.
 35 Bi vî awayî diwên yanî î xumarçî wüye î ew wüye paşê wî jî t’owe kirîye, t’owe kirîye, büye murîdê Ḥecî Êfendi.
In this way they say he was a gambler, but he became something later on, he repented, he repented and became a follower of Hadji Afandi.
 36 T’ev diwên ki dest wî da k’eramet-jî dine.
They even say that there have been miracles from his hand.
 37 Met’ê mi yê reḥmet wir diwê, diwê mi dest wî da k’eramet dine, dest apê Miḥemed da ki t’owe kir, şün da bü murîdê mala Ḥêci Êfendi.                
My deceased aunt said so, she said “I saw miracles in his hand, in the hand of uncle Muhammed” the one who repented and then became the follower of Hadji Afandi.
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