K-096 Qamishli, Syria

 1 Navê mi ***** *** *****, e-j bajarê Qamişlo mi, biçûkanîya xwe mi-l ḥara sîyaḥî nêzîkî sîyaḥî bû mala me, li wê de me qedand.
  My name is **** *** ****, I am from Qamishly city, I spent my childhood in the Siyahi area where our house was close to Siyahi street.
 2 Mi ibtîdaɁî li medresa.. ibtîdaɁîyet lîwaɁ jê-r digotin, nêzikî firnê yi, mi li wê de dixwend. Dûrakê piştî wêna iʕdadî mi li ʕerebistan xwend.
  I studied the elementary stage at a school called Liwa’a, it is close to the bakery (an electronic bakery which is a landmark). Afterwards, I studied the preparatory level at Arabistan school.
 3 Mistewa mi başbû di luẋa ʕerebî, ana me qal kir mi û ***** ser iʕrabata wa. kalkê mi mele bû biçkî alî mi kir, fê ez diʕelimandim ʕerebî gelekî mese iʕrabata geleki.
  I was good at the Arabic language, ***** and I have just been talking about syntactic parsing in Arabic. My grandfather was a mullah and used to help a bit, he used to teach me a lot of Arabic focusing on syntactic parsing issues.
 4 Fe istaz carkê ji mi p’irsî got bavê te istazê ʕerebî yî? mi go na, go naxwe k’î te diʕelimîni va ç’îka, ti wilo jehatî yi? mi go weɫe kalkê mi mele yi.
  The teacher once asked me saying “is your father an Arabic teacher?” I said “no” he said “who has taught you all these things to make you so good?” I said “my grandfather is a mullah”.
 5 P’iştî wêna mi iʕdadî li ʕerebist’an xwend, mist’ewa mi baş bû neʕnî di xwendinê di. mi bek’elorya ji li ʕerebist’an li nefsa medresê mi qedand di diḥeżar û yek bû di ḥeżar û do.
  After that, I studied the preparatory stage at the school of Arabistan, I was good in studying. I attended baccalaureate exams at Arabistan the same school in 2001-2002.
 6 P’işiî wêna hendesa zîraʕa Dêrê ji mi-r derk’et û iqtiṣad… mi di cara bek’elorya qedimandibû, mi yek hendesa zîraʕa seciland û me yek t’îcara û iqtîṣad seciland li şamê.
  After that, I was granted access to agricultural engineering in Deir Al Zour and economics… actually, I had undergone the baccalaureate exams twice, the first time I registered for agricultural engineering and for the second one I registered for commerce and economics in Damascus.
 7 Mi ç’û iqtiṣad xwend, k’efa mi behtir jê-r dihat, firiʕkî fire yi, firiʕkî meżin i, yenî mecalatê wê fire tirin li şuẋul k’e ʕelaqat. xwendina wê fire i xweş i, mi xwend.
  I studied economics, I liked it more because it is a wider and bigger major; I mean it offers a variety of work fields and relationships. Besides, studying economic is wide in itself, and hence I took the decision to study it.
 8 A xwe-î zîraʕa jî bilmuqabil mi kir firʕikî di min meʕhed ṣiḥî xelas kir, ew jî qismê eşiʕa bû. e-l şamê weżifîm ser a meʕhedê. fe ḥeyat-a me ez ç’ûm neqilîm şame wê ç’aẋê, e-l şamê rûdiniştim li medînê camiʕîyê, mi dest bi camʕa ji kir û ez miweżif bûm ḥerdû bihevdu ri me meşandin.
  On the other hand, I changed my agricultural engineering (major) to another specialty which was radiology. I graduated from the technical health institute, radiology subfield. My life was changed and I moved to Damascus at that time. I stayed in Damascus at the student dormitory where I started university and I was an employee at the same time.
 9 Suẋlê me li misteşfê meselen mi sûretê nexweşa digirt ez eşiʕa dişuẋulîm. nexweş dihatin… ji sibehê em deç’ûn dewamê ji seʕet ḥeyşt ḥeya sisê bû dewama me.
  Our job in the hospital was, for example, I used to take radiographic images for patients as I was working on the radiographer. Patients used to come…we used to go to work from 8am till three o’clock.
 10 Nexweş dihat me sûretê wa digirt, me sûretê wana diṭebiʕandin me da wana û diç’ûn, xweş bû di berri jî mi camʕa xwe xwend.
  We used to take images for patients, copy the images and give them to the patients and then they would leave. It was a nice job and simultaneously I was studying at the university too.
 11 Camʕa ḥeyatikî pir xweş bû, hevaltî hebû têdi, merḥelak gelekî xweşbû di ḥeyata insan di. Hevalê mero ç’êdibin, seqafeta mero ç’êdibi, yeʕşexîya insan tê kewinandin. gelkî xweş bû merḥelak xweş di ḥeyata mero di, wê ç’aẋê derbasdibi.
  University life has been so pleasant, there were friendships; it is a really nice stage in a person’s life. We make new friends and enrich our culture; I mean it is the period when a person’s character is refined. The time we spend at the university is one of the most pleasant phases in our lives.
 12 Neşaṭatin p’ir gelek pê radibûn ṭilab em bi wa-r derdik’etin, meselen riḥlat ç’êdikirin em derdik’etin pê-r.
  The students used to have a lot of activities that we used to participate in, for example they used to organize students trips that we usually took part in.
 13 Em li şamê derdiketin Bêtçin hebû ʕên xera ʕên fîcê gelek cî hebûn em diç’ûn wana. Di hindirê wa riḥla ji mesrêḥîyat me ç’edikirin musabeqat me ç’êdikirin. Xweş bû merḥelak gelekî eveya derbas bûn li şamê.
  In Damascus we used to visit areas such as Bet Al Jin, Ain Khadra, Ain Fije and many other places. During those trips we also used to perform simple plays and hold competitions. It has been such a pleasant time that we spent in Damascus.
 14 Û ç’î di ji meselen di ber wêna ri… ezê qala şuẋlê xwe bikim meselen.
  What else, I am going talk about my work while I was studying at that time.
 15 e-d şirkakê dermana dişuẋulîm, ez mendûbê şirka dermana bûm. şuẋlê mi di wêna di mendûb dîʕayê ṭibîyê mese mi nemazicê mecanî dibir ji textora ri, e ser derman ji war dişuẋulîm ji bû textor wî dermanî ji nexweşê xwe-r deyni, fe mi ji wa-r datinî.
  I used to work for a pharmaceutical company; I was a marketing representative in the company. For example, I went to visit doctors offering them free samples of medicines so that the doctors would prescribe the medicines for their patients. I was working on this side.
 16 P’iştî wêna mi mutabeʕe dikir ez diç’ûm ṣeydelyê ji, bê k’a ev textor fiʕlen vî dermanî datîni ya danayni zanibim bê k’a sûka wî dermanî ç’ilo ç’êdibû. t’eqrîben di ṣaɫa ez di wê şirkê ji e dişuẋulîm.
  After that, I used to check the nearby pharmacies on a regular basis to follow up and see whether doctors prescribed the medicine or not in order to have an idea about the economic feasibility of the medicine in the market. I worked for approximately two years in that job.
 17 Û p’iştî wê ev eḥdasê Surî îca dest pê kirin. Ez bûm meṭlûbê ʕeskeryê fe divê ez derk’etibama îca; gi ez dernektibama ezê biç’wama ʕeskeryê û ʕeskeryê minê xelk bikuştana, fe em derketin ji Surî.
  After that, events in Syria had begun. I was summoned for conscription, and therefore I had to get out of Syria; if I had not got out, I would have done military service and in the military service I would have been forced to kill people, so we just left Syria.
 18 Eweya ez dihatimT’irkî, T’irkî jî t’eqrîben di saɫa em man, di saɫ û nîv tişkî wilo ez li wêde mam.
  I came to Turkey where we stayed for between two years and two and a half years.
 19 li T’irkî mi ç’ikir, go divê em muşarekê di vê sewra Surî bikin ez mam murtebiṭ pê behtir gelekî fe m-û ç’end xortê kurmanc hevalê mê bûn, me cemʕîk çêkir, me musaʕedat dişandin ji hinder Surî ri.
  I will tell you what we have been doing in Turkey. We decided to do something for the Syrian revolution and I got engaged with it more than anything else for a while; some of my Kurdish friends and I established a charity to send humanitarian aid to Syria.
 20 K’e tişkî insanî em t’edexul siyaset û va ç’îka me nekir. em ke xort em k’urd bûn em giş p’ev rî, giş wilo museqef bûn textor bûn muhendis bûn gelekî jêhatî bûn. teqrîben di saɫ û nîva em li wê de man.
  It was humanitarian work and we did not get involved into politics and such things. We were a group of Kurdish young men who were educated men, doctors and engineers. They were hard working. We stayed there for about two and a half years.
 21 Û p’iştî wê, li T’irkî musteqbel t’inebû ç’îk t’inebû tişik wilo ino yek bimîni lê fe me qerirand ez bêm Oripa wê ç’aẋê ca.
  And after that, I could not find my future in Turkey; there was nothing there to hold on to, and so I decided to come to Europe at that time.
 22 Ez hatim Biriṭanya ev teqrîben saɫ û nîvek ez li Biriṭanya rûdinêm. Biriṭanya baş i, mi îqamê ṣṭendîyi. K’e must’eqbelen vêde ji mê-r ç’êtiri. Ji bû mist’ewa… ʕela al must’ewa aşexî wek go dibêjin k’e xwendin k’e cinsîyê beṣṭîni k’e musteqbelê zarokê mero li vêde behtir mecalat heni li vir.
  I came to the UK and I have been here for about a year and a half. The UK is nice and I was granted the permission to stay. As for the future, I think that here it is much better for us. On a personal level as it is said, here it is much better in different fields: for studying, getting naturalized in the society and for the children’s future.
 23 Ana ez bi nêtim ez meselen ez macistêr li vê de bixwînim xwendina xwe bik’emilînim. ixtîṣaê mi meṣarif û teɁmîni k’efa mi gelkî jê-r tê.
  Now, I am intending, for instance, to study for a Master’s degree and complete my study here. My specialty is in banking and insurance which I like so much.
 24 Fe inşaɫa wek bê zê biḥawilînim bek’emilînim xwendina xwe li vir. Mecalat behtir jimero-r vedbin ti şehadak ji vê de biṣṭîni şehadê ve de kelkî bi qîmet in.
  God willing, I will try to pursue my education here. More opportunities are opened up if you get a certificate from here because they are so valuable.
 25 Qamişlo bajarkî ne gelekî meżin i; dor ç’arṣid ḥeżar pênṣid ḥeżar insani xelkê wêna. P’irê wa Kurmanc in, Kurmanc meʕrûf in bi beṣaṭeta xwe, eyatik beṣîṭ i, ʕelaqatê wa-î ijtîmaʕî p’ir xwirṭ in bi hevdû-v girêdayî ni Mistewa ʕeşîre û meżnê ʕaɁîlê hebi
  Qamishlo is not a very big city; it has a population of about 400,000 to 500,000 people. The majority of them are Kurds. Kurds are known for their simplicity and tight social relations. For example, there should be a head for the tribe and for the family.
 26 Mesen dive mero bi a wî biki sewan mesen munasebak ç’êbibi sewan ḥuzun bi wele fereḥ bi ḥertim wilo meżnê ʕaɁîlê heyi kemerceʕ ji ʕaɁîlê re lê vedigerin tiştê xwe.
  For example, we should listen to that person in occasions such as joys and sorrows. There is always a leading figure in the extended family, to whom the family members resort in their different issues.
 27 Cîran be hevdo-v girêdayî ni xweş i zîyarat çêdibin neqeba wa di. ev heyi cem me.
  Neighbors have good relationships and they occasionally visit each other. This is what we have got.
 28 K’e xwarin meslen k’utilk in, şamborek in xwarnê me-î kurmanca serûpê ni p’elûmişî ni.
  Let us talk about Kurdish foods. Our Kurdish dishes are Kutilk, Shamborek, Serupey and pelumehshi.
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