Romani Project Bibliography
The structure of Romani : Phonology
- Ariste, P. 1978. On two intonations in a Romani dialect. Estonian Papers in Phonetics 1978: 5-7.
- Boretzky, N. & Igla, B. 1993. Lautwandel und Natürlichkeit. Kontakt-bedingter und endogener Wandel im Romani. (Arbeitspapiere des Projekts “Prinzipien des Sprachwandels” 15). Essen: Universität GH Essen, Fachbereich Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften.
- Boretzky, N. 1991. Contact induced sound change. Diachronica 8: 1-16.
- Boretzky, N. 2001. Palatalisation and depalatalisation in Romani. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 54 (2): 108-125.
- Boretzky, N. 2005. Metathesis and other, functionally related, sound changes in Romani. In: General and Applied Romani Linguistics. Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, edited by Schrammel, B., Halwachs, D. W. & Ambrosch, G. Munich: Lincom Europa. 128-143.
- Gardner, D. J. & Gardner, S. A. 2008. A provisional phonology of Gabor Romani. Romani Studies, Series 5, 18: 155-199.
- Gilliat-Smith, B. J. 1911. The sound Ř. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, 5: 139–40.
- Granqvist, K. 1999. Vowel Harmony in Finnish Romani. SKY Journal of Linguistics: 27-44.
- Grigorova, Evelina. 1998. Interrogative intonation of two Bulgarian Romani dialects: Sofia Erli and Kalderaš. Grazer Linguistische Studien 50: 45-63.
- Hamp, Eric. 1987. On the sibilants of Romani. Indo-Iranian Journal 30: 103-106.
- Hamp, Eric. 1990. The conservatism and exemplary order of Romani In:100 years of Gypsy Studies, edited by Salo, M. T. New York: Gypsy Lore Society. 151-155.
- Hamp, Eric. 1993. More on the sibilants of Romani. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fifth Series, 3 (2): 67-68.
- Holzinger, D. 1987. Phonologie des Rommanes der Sinte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Diplomová práce, Klagenfurt.
- Kostov, Kiril. 1960. Zu den fallenden Diphthongen in einigen Mundarten der Zigeuner-sprache. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommuni kations-forschung 13: 41-43.
- Lesný, V. 1916. Über die langen Vokale in den Zigeunerdialekten. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 70: 417-422.
- Lesný, V. 1928. Die Vertretung des AI. (MI.) A und Ā in den europäischen Zigeunersprachen. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third series, 7: 177-184.
- Matras, Yaron. 1999. s/h alternation in Romani: An historical and functional interpretation. Grazer Linguistische Studien 51: 99-129.
- Scala, Andrea. 2003. Il fonema /f/ nella romai con particolare riguardo alla sua alternanza con /kh/ in posizione iniziale: considerazioni storiche e applicazioni etimologiche. In: Atti del secondo incontro genovese di Studi Vedici e Paniniani, edited by Rosa Ronzitti & Guido Borghi. Le Mani Microart’s Edizioni. 143-145.
- Soravia, Giulio. 1978. Schizzo tagmemico del dialetto degli zingari di Reggio Calabria con vocabolario. Lacio Drom, 2-3: 2-69.
- Turner, Ralph L. 1928 [1975]. Romani "les" and Sanskrit "tásya". In: Collected Papers, 1912-1973, edited by Turner, Ralph L. 310-318. & BSOAS 5 (1): 43-51.
- Turner, Ralph L. 1932. So-called prothetic V- and Y- in European Romani. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, 11: 115-120.
- Turner, Ralph L. 1959. Transferance of aspiration in European Romani. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 22: 491-198.
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