Romani Project Bibliography
Other selected topics : History of Romani Linguistics
- Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier. 2005. The first Caló dictionary ever published in Spain (Trujillo 1844): An analysis of its sources. Romani Studies, Series 5, Volume 15, No. 2. 125-143.
- Adiego, Ignasi-Xavier. 2013. The oldest attestation of the Romani language in Spain: The Aucto del finamiento de Jacob (sixteenth century). Romani Studies Vol. 23, Num. 2: 245-255
- Anon. 1930. Vulcanius’ Romani vocabulary. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series, 9: 16–25.
- Bakker, Peter. 2011. A new old text in Romani: Lord's Prayer, 1622. International Journal of Romani Language and Culture Vol 1 (2): 193-212.
- Crofton, Henry Thomas. 1907. Borde’s Egipt speche. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, 1: 157-168.
- Daval, Marcel & Domenique Joly. 1979. La langue des tsiganes. Saisons d’Alsace 67: 64-48.
- Finck, Franz Nikolaus. 1907. Die Sprache der armenischen Zigeuner. St. Pétersbourg: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften.
- Friedman, V. A. & Dankoff, R. 1991. The earliest known text in Balkan (Rumelian) Romani: A passage from Evliya Celebis Seyāhat-nāme. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fifth Series, 1: 1-20.
- Friedman, V. A. & Dankoff, R. 1991. The earliest known text in Balkan (Rumelian) Romani: A passage from Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahat-name. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fifth series, 1: 1-20.
- Grellmann, Heinrich M. 1783 [1787] Historischer Versuch über die Zigeuner, betreffend die Lebensart und Verfassung, Sitten und Schicksale dieses Volkes seit seiner Erscheinung in Europa und dessen Ursprung. Göttingen: Dietrich.
- Hancock, I. F. 1988. The development of Romani linguistics. In: Languages and cultures. Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, edited by Jazayery, M. A. & Winter, W. 183-223.
- Hancock, I. F. 2004. Romani words for Romanies and non-Romanies On the Origin and Westward Migration of the Romani People (unpublished).
- Hodgson, R. Early Romani Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Third Series 52 (3/4): 87-89.
- Jordan, M. 1741. Histoire de la Vie et des ouvrages de Mr Lacroze. Amsterdam: Chez François Changuion.
- Kluyver, A. 1910. Un glossaire tsigane du seizième siècle. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, 4: 131–42.
- Kochanowski, J. 1967. Présentation de nouvueux travaux sur la langue tsigane Etudes Tsigane 13 (3): 1-2.
- Matras, Yaron. 1999. Johann Rüdiger and the study of Romani in eighteenth-century Germany. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, Fifth Series, 9: 89-106.
- Matras, Yaron. 2004. Die Sprache der Roma: ein historischer Umriss. The Romani language: An historical overview. In: Sinti, Roma, Gypsies, edited by Matras, Y., Winterberg, H. & Zimmermann, M. Berlin: Metropol. 231-261.
- Pott, August. 1844-1845. Die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien. Ethnographisch-linguistische Untersuchung vornehmlich ihrer Herkunft und Sprache. Halle: Heynemann.
- Rüdiger, Johan C. C. 1782. [1990]. Von der Sprache und Herkunft der Zigeuner aus Indien. In: Neuester Zuwachs der teutschen, fremden und allgemeinen Sprachkunde in eigenen Aufsätzen, 1. Stück. Leipzig. Hamburg: Buske. 37-84.
- Sampson, John. 1910. Jacob Bryant. Being an analysis of his Angloromani vocabulary, with a discussion of the place and date of collection and an attempt to show that Bryant, not Rüdiger, was the earliest discoverer of the Indian origin of the Gypsies. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, New Series, 4: 162-194.
- Vekerdi, Jószef. 1962. Gypsy fragments from the early 18th century. Acta Orientalia Acadetial Scientiaruti Hungarica 14: 123-129.
- Wexler, P. 1986. Exploring the distinctive features of Wanderspracten: The case of European Romani and Jewish Languages. Mediterranean Language Review 2: 7-45.
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