Romani Project Bibliography


The Bibliography is organised by subject categories. Click on one of the subject categories listed in the menu on the left to view relevant entries for that category, or type a keyword (e.g. title keyword, author, date or place of publication) into the search box above.

Debug level = 3

FULL - This script = /srv/www/sites/romani/db/master.php

FULL - context_path = /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/config.php

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/controler.php

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/leftnav.php

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/leftnav.html

FULL - path = /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/index.html

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/index.php

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/index.html

FULL - *** including -> /srv/www/sites/romani//db/bibliography/postprocess.php