
The immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, effects and future engagement strategies. 2013-2017.

Sabrina Tosi Cambini


PhD in “Methodologies of ethno-anthropological research”, University of Siena (2004).

MigRom project research fellow (research on a network of Romanian Rudari families from Muntenia and Dobrogea Regions living in Florence).


Recent publications:

TOSI CAMBINI, S., PIASERE, L. and SOLIMANO, N. 2014. Wor(l)ds which exclude. The housing issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the language of the acts and the administrative documents in Europe. Fondazione Michelucci Press. Fiesole.

TOSI CAMBINI, S. 2015 (forthcoming). ‘La zingara rapitrice. Racconti, denunce, sentenze (1986-2007).’ CISU, Roma. 2008 (third edition revised forthcoming 2015).

TOSI CAMBINI, S. 2011. ‘The social dangerousness of the defendant is ‘at one with her own condition of being nomadic’: Roma and Sinti Italian Courts of Law.’ In: Journal of Modern Italian Studies. Vol. 16, 2011.