Coordinated by:
Project Manager: Charlotte Jones
+44 (0)161 2755999
Project Description
The project will investigate the experiences, motivations, and ambitions of Roma migrants from Romania who have recently moved to Italy, France, Spain, and the UK, and the effect of migration on their own lives and on the lives of relations left behind in the home communities in Romania. It will also investigate popular, media, and official reactions to Roma immigration.
Involving assistants from the Roma communities and drawing on the expertise of an interdisciplinary team of leading scholars in Romani studies, the project will deliver a much-needed ‘Ethnography of Roma Migration’: an innovative analysis of the causes and effects of Roma migration, an assessment of examples of good practice of integration of Roma migrants and a criteria schema for assessing good practice, a practical contribution to capacity building in Roma migrant communities, policy recommendations, and models for community engagement strategies.
The project will attempt to illuminate the Roma perspective on migration through a comparative investigation that will be based in Roma communities and in Roma homes.
Project participants
University of Manchester
Project Coordinator:
Professor Yaron Matras
Project Manager:
Charlotte Jones
Postdoctoral Researcher:
Daniele Viktor Leggio

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement number 319901.