Juan Pérez Pérez


Juan Pérez Pérez is a PhD student in gypsy demographics throughout the autonomous region of Andalucia. He holds a Master’s degree in International Romani Studies by the same institution, a BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology, and a BA in Teacher-Training. His has done extensive research on Romani population, particularly in Andalucia but also in other parts of Spain and abroad, attending to different aspects of gypsy social and daily life such as demography, childhood and youth, living conditions, housing policies by local and national governments, access to education, the immigration of Romanian Roma to Spain, etc.

His dissertation, entitled “From the Guadalquivir’s valley to the mountains of Granada. A study on the size of Andalusian gypsy population and its demographic structure”, focuses on Romani demography and attempts to estimate the size of gypsy population in Andalucia, to know better its territorial distribution –the areas where they tend to concentrate and the patterns of population setting–, and to determine parameters for demographic structures based on case studies in settings with high concentration of gypsy population. The study takes into consideration birth and mortality rates, structure on the grounds of age groups, masculinity, youth-aging rate, and household’s size and composition.

His tasks as a staff member of MigRom (February 1 to July 31, 2014) consisted in the search and cataloguing of news on Rumanian and Bulgarian Rom population that appeared in Spanish newspapers from the beginning of the 80’s to the first half of 2014. He elaborated a data base that collects more than three thousand (3000) news published in papers such as ABC, El Mundo, El País, La Vanguardia, as well as some local papers from Andalucía.

Recent publications:

GAMELLA, J.F., ALFARO GÓMEZ, A. and PÉREZ PÉREZ, J. 2014. ‘Nominal Assimilation: The Ethnic and National Identities of the Gitanos or Calé of Spain as Shown by their Surnames in the 1783–1785 Census.’ In: Names. A Journal of Onomastics 62/3 (2014):147-164.

GAMELLA, J.F., ALFARO GÓMEZ, A. and PÉREZ PÉREZ, J. 2012. ‘Los apellidos de los gitanos españoles en los censos de 1783-1785.’ In: Revista de Humanidades, 19: 37-85.

PÉREZ PÉREZ, J. 2012. ‘Paving the way for the Roma’. In: ExpandO Project Newsletter. Project ExpandO: ‘Expanding Opportunities-Expando’ (521319-LLP-1-2011-1-BE-K1). Lifelong Programme, European Union.