Grégoire Cousin
Grégoire Cousin holds a PH.D in Public and Comparative Law at the University of Tours and Florence. His PhD research was on the legal status of the migration of Romanian Roma. From 2010 to 2012, he was human rights monitor for the European Roma Rights Center. He is member of the scientific board of Urba-Rom.
He is the main field researcher In the French team of the MigRom at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. His research for MigRom is focused on a power anthropology in and out of Roma communities.
Recent publications:
COUSIN, G. and LEGROS, O. 2015. ‘Gouverner Par L’évacuation? L’exemple Des Campements Illicites’ En Seine-Saint-Denis Annales de Géographie 1, (2015): 5-28.
COUSIN, G. and MARIANA, F. 2012. ‘Il Passepartout Dell’ “Ordine Pubblico”. Politica E Diritto Nelle Prassi Di Allontanamento Dei “Rumeni Detti Rom” in Italia E Francia.’ In: Bonetti, P., Simoni, A. and Vitale, T. (eds.) La Condizione Giuridica Di Rom E Sinti in Italia 2: Giuffrè, 2012.
COUSIN, G. 2011. ‘L’émergence En Italie D’une “Politique Tsigane” Face Aux Mobilités Roumaines À La Fin Des Années 2000.’ Etudes Tsiganes 46, (2011): 28-45.