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Corpus Published sources
English meaning Word class Angloromani word forms Transcription Transcription Reference Etymology
corpse Noun mollo molo WHITER-VOCAB

mulo 'dead' (European Romani)

mulla moola WHITER-VOCAB

mulo 'dead' (European Romani)

mullo moólo SMART & CROFTON

mulo 'dead' (European Romani)

truppo troópo SMART & CROFTON

trupo 'body' (European Romani)


trupo 'body' (European Romani)

costly Adjective kutchi kuči EASTANGLIAN

kuč 'expensive' (European Romani)

couch Noun plastomingri plastomingree SAMPSON-BRYANT

plexo | pleho | ploča | platno 'sheet' (European Romani)

wudrus woodrous FOX-DERBY

vodros 'bed' (European Romani)

cough Verb bitchiven bičiven HAMP-1929
bosherus bósherus SMART & CROFTON
chinkuf ['ʧɪŋkʰʊf]
shel shel SMART & CROFTON
shil shil BRIGHT-VOCAB

šil 'cold' (European Romani)

could not Verb nistis nistis WHITER-VOCAB

niks(is) 'no | nothing | not' (Cant)

could not hear Verb mistis shunavva mistis shunava WHITER-VOCAB

niks(is) 'no | nothing | not' (Cant)

šunav(a) 'hear 1SG' (European Romani)

council officer Noun rai rei DAWSON-VOCAB

raj 'gentleman | lord' (European Romani)

council official Noun ria reea DAWSON-VOCAB

raj 'gentleman | lord' (European Romani)

count Verb gin ['ʤɪn], ['gɪn]

gin- 'count' (European Romani)

ginja ghínja SMART & CROFTON

gin- 'count' (European Romani)

ginya ghínya SMART & CROFTON

gin- 'count' (European Romani)


kin- 'buy' (European Romani)

country Noun bawrifowki baurifoki SAMPSON-BRYANT

baro/-i 'big | great (/-f)' (European Romani)

folk 'people' (English)

bittu-teym bittutheim SAMPSON-BRYANT

bitti 'little' (Cant)

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

mungkri ['mʊŋkɹiz]
tam ['tʰæm]

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

tem ['tem], [tʰɛm], ['tʰem], [tʰem] temm, temn, tem TAYLOR-VOCAB, BRIGHT-VOCAB, WHITER-VOCAB, EASTANGLIAN, FOX-DERBY, SMART & CROFTON

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

temma temma WHITER-VOCAB

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

temmas teməs EASTANGLIAN

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

wavvertan ['wævə'tʰæn]

vaver 'other' (European Romani)

wavvertem ['wævə'tʰem]

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

vaver 'other' (European Romani)

country (adj) Adjective temeskri teméskri SMART & CROFTON

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

countryman Noun temengro teméngro SMART & CROFTON

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

temsagaero temsəgero EVANS

goro 'gawdja who intermarried with Gypsies' (Older Welsh Romani (Sampson))

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

temsko gaero temsko drom EASTANGLIAN

goro 'gawdja who intermarried with Gypsies' (Older Welsh Romani (Sampson))

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

countryside Noun mungkre ['mʊŋkri:]
county Noun tem

them 'country | land' (European Romani)

county-town Noun sterripengav stéripen-gav SMART & CROFTON

gav 'village' (European Romani)

(a)stariben/-ipen 'prison' (European Romani)

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