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Corpus Published sources
English meaning Word class Angloromani word forms Transcription Transcription Reference Etymology
buttons Noun kraftnis craftnis WHITER-VOCAB

karfin|krafni 'nail' (European Romani)

buy Verb bikkin ['bɪkən]

bikin- 'sell' (European Romani)


kin- 'buy' (European Romani)

kinav [kʰɪn'av]

kinav 'buy (1SG)' (European Romani)

kinnav ['kʰɪnæv]

kinav 'buy (1SG)' (European Romani)

kinnen ['kʰɪnən]

kin- 'buy' (European Romani)

kinnes ['kʰɪnes]

kines 'buy 2SG' (European Romani)

buying Verb kinning ['kʰɪnɪŋɡ], ['kʰɪnɪn]

kin- 'buy' (European Romani)

by Adverb posh posh SMART & CROFTON

paša(l) 'nearby' (European Romani)

posha pósha SMART & CROFTON

paša(l) 'nearby' (European Romani)

by Preposition adrey [ə'dreɪ]

andre 'in' (European Romani)

glan 'glan EASTANGLIAN

anglal 'in front of | before' (European Romani)

by and by Idiom kennasig kennessij BRIGHT-VOCAB

akana 'now' (European Romani)

sigo 'soon' (European Romani)

cabbage Noun kanarfri [kʰəna:fri:]

? 'cauliflower' (European Romani)

shak shak, schach BRIGHT-VOCAB

šax 'cabbage' (European Romani)

shok ['ʃɒk] shok, shock, shoc DAWSON-VOCAB, NORWOOD-VOCAB, ROBERTS-VOCAB

šax 'cabbage' (European Romani)

shokyaw shókyaw SMART & CROFTON

šax 'cabbage' (European Romani)

shuk [ʃʊk]

šax 'cabbage' (European Romani)

cabin Noun kaeria kairier WHITER-VOCAB

kher 'house' (European Romani)


pen 'pen (e.g. for animals)' (English)

cacare Noun kinder kinder WINSTEDT-1949

xin(d)- 'defecate' (European Romani)

cajole Verb mundjer munjer EASTANGLIAN

mundžer- 'squeeze, hug, pinch, nudge (Etym. unkn.)' (Older Welsh Romani (Sampson))

cake Noun malliki ['mæləkʰi:]

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

mannikli manikli WINSTEDT-1949

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marrakel marakel WHITER-VOCAB

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marraki marakey NORWOOD-VOCAB

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marrakli maraclé WHITER-VOCAB

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marreki ['mærəkʰi:]

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marrika ['maɹɪkə] mariker DAWSON-VOCAB

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marriki ['mærɪki:], ['maɹɪki]

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

marrikli ['mærɪkli:] mariclee, [mærɪkli:] ROBERTS-VOCAB, SMART & CROFTON

manřikli 'cake' (European Romani)

call Verb kor kor SMART & CROFTON
pen ['pʰen]

phen- 'say' (European Romani)

call in Verb chinger oprey čiŋger oprē WINSTEDT-1948

upre 'up | on' (European Romani)

čhinger- 'quarrel | shout' (European Romani)

Cambridgeshire Noun dovva tem kai o shorrokonni gaeri jivvena dóva tem kei o shórokoné gairé jivénna SMART & CROFTON
came Verb jaw ['ʤɔ:]

dža- 'go' (European Romani)

jelled ['ʤeɫd], [ʤeld], ['ʤeld]

džal(a) 'go (3SG)' (European Romani)

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