
Launch event of the Romani Project Website

Statements of Support
Press Coverage

Press Coverage

  • BBC News - BBC Northwest report
    Short (15.5MB) - Long (20MB)
  • BBC News - BBC World report
    (RealVideo - 4MB)
  • BBC World - 'Go Digital' report
    Click here to Listen to presenter Gareth Mitchell speaking to Yaron Matras on the BBC World Service weekly radio programme 'Go Digital'.
  • Report on Inforadio, Hungary.
  • Launch of Romany language website aims to save culture - Ian Herbert.
  • Web to preserve Romani heritage.
  • Site de universidade inglesa oferece dialetos ciganos.
  • Taken from ‘Trud’ 31.01.2006 London
    (translated from Bulgarian)

    A website devoted to the preservation of the Gypsy language and culture was launched yesterday in Great Britain, reports The Independent. The project is developed at the University of Manchester and aims to save the language of the Gypsies, who, according to researchers, are scattered as minorities across 42 European countries.

    However, the Gypsy language is widespread only in spoken form, which is why the language is threatened by extinction. For this reason, the university has included it in the list of the world’s most endangered languages.

    A Bulgarian, Veliyana Chileva, has also taken part on the development of the project. She is of Gypsy origin and is a student at the University of Manchester