Heveen Kurdi
In 1999, Heveen Kurdi obtained her English Literature BA from Damascus University. She then received a Diploma in Translation from the same university. In 2002 she completed an MA program in Linguistics at the University of Manchester where she is now finishing her PhD in Linguistics. Her thesis deals with both Arabic and English discourse markers, with a special focus on the use of English markers by the Arabic-speaking students.
Her research interests include: Second Language Acquisition, Discourse Markers, Bilingualism, Language Contact, Discourse Pragmatics.
Contact: heveenkurdi@yahoo.co.uk
Publications and Talks:
- The Syrian Discourse Marker Ya?ni in utterance final position and TRP position, Language Contact and Pragmatics Seminar, 23th Nov, 2005. The University of Manchester.
- You know in the discourse of Syrian Arabic speakers, Language Contact and Pragmatics Seminar, 1st March, 2006. The University of Manchester